Safety Series
Spread the Science, NOT the Virus Safety Series is a new offering from Jefferson’s College of Population Health and the states’ hospital associations. During planning and response to COVID-19, hospitals were first and foremost attuned to keeping patients as safe as possible. With a novel virus, unknown and untested treatments, and unpredictable impacts of the virus on different patients, the hospitals had to establish processes and practices that would save the most lives and prevent the most harm while patients were under their care.

In the series, from January to June 2021, hospital associations from Louisiana, Michigan, Florida, Colorado, Minnesota, and Texas shared their approaches to safe care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Content is meant for hospitals, hospital associations and other healthcare organizations and professionals seeking to identify best practices they can adopt at their organizations.

For more information or questions visit our website or contact

January 19: Dual Threat Response – Hurricane & COVID-19 Lessons Learned by Louisiana
February 16: Adverse Events During COVID 19: The MHA Keystone Center PSO’s Analysis and Response
March 16: Patient & Family Engagement During the Era of COVID-19
April 20: Colorado's Combined Hospital Transfer Center: Ensuring Care for All Coloradans
May 18: Best Practices for Perinatal Care during COVID-19
June 15: A Safe Environment of Care: Lessons from COVID-19

Clinical Lessons from the Northeast Surge
The Northeast Hospital Associations responded to the first surge of COVID-19 in the United States this spring by promoting collaboration and knowledge-sharing among states, hospital associations, hospitals and clinicians. The hospital associations shared their lessons learned at the state level; now, the clinicians want to share their experience with their colleagues across the country. Join the Jefferson College of Population Health and the Northeast Hospital Associations weekly on Tuesdays at 4:00 p.m. from July 21st to September 29th to learn about approaches to and solutions for the clinical dilemmas that arose during our surge.

July 21: Managing Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in the Setting of the COVID-19 Patient Surge
July 28: Obstetrics & Birthing During COVID-19
August 4: Behavioral Health & Post-acute Care
August 11: Lessons for Opportunistic Transformation
August 18: Well-being of the Healthcare Workforce
August 25: Leading Patient Care During the Covid-19 Pandemic
September 1: Resumption of Scheduled Surgeries & Outpatient Procedures
September 8: Coordinated Response and Business Recovery in Rural Health Care Systems
September 15: Navigating Care Transitions During the COVID-19 Surge in Massachusetts
September 22: A Trauma Informed and Data Driven Approach to Navigating Behavioral Health and Substance Use During COVID19
September 29: Long-Term Care Facilities in the Time of COVID-19: Lessons in Crisis Management

For more information or questions visit our website or contact


Public Health Series
COVID-19: Spread the Science, NOT the Virus-Public Health Series, was an interactive seminar series organized by Drs. Frasso & Patel and Robert Wilson of JCPH's MPH Program. Led by Drs. Frasso and Patel and Robert Wilson of the JCPH's MPH Program, the goal of the Public Health series was to help the Jefferson Community learn what we can about COVID-19 and its impact on public health and the healthcare system.

This weekly lecture series featured experts with information viewers could use to better understand the role of public health in addressing the pandemic. Topics included: epidemiology, policy, public health response, medical countermeasures, health disparities, mental health aspects, and communication challenges as it relates to the disease as well as lessons learned from local and global perspectives.

COVID-19: Epidemiology & Emergence
April 15: COVID-19 Epidemiology Basics
April 22: Impact on our Healthcare System
April 29: COVID-19 Emergence

Public Health Response, Healthcare Preparedness, and Medical Countermeasures
May 6: Philadelphia Department of Public Health Response
May 13: Pharmaceutical Countermeasures
May 20: Telemedicine & Lived Experience
May 27: Lessons from Italy

COVID-19 in Special Populations and Impact on Mental Health
June 3: COVID-19 & Marginalized Communities
June 10: Resources, Ethics, & COVID-19
June 17: Social Distancing & Mental Health
June 24: COVID-19: Perspectives on the Known & Unknown

Contact with any questions.


Submissions from 2021


A Save Environment of Care: Lessons from COVID-19, Elizabeth Johnson, MSHP; Firas Zabaneh, MT, MBA; Karen Kendrick, MSN, RN, CPHQ; and Robert S. Hendler, MD


Best Practices for Perinatal Care during COVID-19, Sarah N. Cross, MD and Jennifer Schoenecker


Colorado's Combined Hospital Transfer Center: Ensuring Care for All Coloradans, Robert Leeret; Lyle Moore, Jr., MPH, TLO; Kevin Zachary; and Darlene Tad-y, MD


Patient & Family Engagement During the Era of COVID-19, Becky Boyle, MS; Caridad Hernandez, RN, BSN; Anne Bidelman; Cassandra Vonnes DNP, GNP-BC, APRN, AOCNP, CPHQ, FAHA; and Kim Streit, FACHE


Adverse Events During COVID 19: The MHA Keystone Center PSO’s Analysis and Response, Adam Novak, MA, CPPS and Phyllis McLellan, MSN, RN, CPPS, CNOR-E


Dual Threat Response – Hurricane & COVID-19 Lessons Learned by Louisiana, Frances Arledge, MPH; Gerald Bryant, BSN; Lacey Cavanaugh, MD; and Kenneth Alexander, MS, RRT

Submissions from 2020


Long-Term Care Facilities in the Time of COVID-19: Lessons in Crisis Management, Alecia DiMario; Steve Grant, MD, FHM; Lindsay Morse, MSN/NED, RN, ACM; and Emma Harrigan


A Trauma Informed and Data Driven Approach to Navigating Behavioral Health and Substance Use During COVID19, Nancy Fennell, MA; Bianca Ciuffredo, LCMHC; Dan Andrus, MS, MPA; Seddon S avage, MD; and Anne Diefendorf, MS, RDN, LD


Navigating Care Transitions During the COVID-19 Surge in Massachusetts, Christine Scibelli, MS, RN; Maureen Banks, RN, DNP, MBA, NEA-BC, FACHE; Keren Diamond, RN, BSN, MBA; Brian Doherty, CAE; Christine McMichael, MA, LMHC; and Patricia M. Noga, PhD, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN


Coordinated Response and Business Recovery in Rural Health Care Systems, Sandra L. Parker, JD, MS, BSN; Jeff Doran; Mike Whelan; and James W. Jarvis, MD, FAAFP


Resumption of Scheduled Surgeries & Outpatient Procedures, Jaime Bohn, MBA, RN; Michele Cassidy, RN, BSN; Tony S. Reed, MD, MBA, MPhil, CAQSM, CPE, FAAFP, FAAPL; Erik Toth, MA Health Services, BSN; and Robert Shipp, PhD, BSN, RN, NEA-BC


Leading Patient Care During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Kathleen Rauch, RN, MSHQS, BSN, CPHQ; Noreen B. Brennan, PhD, RN-BC, NEA-BC; Nicolette Fiore-Lopez, PhD, RN, CNEP; and Courtney Vose, DNP, MBA, RN


Well-being of the Healthcare Workforce, Heather Farley, MD, MHCDS, FACEP; Susan M. Parisi, MD, FACOG; Jonathan Ripp, MD, MPH; and Sharon C. Kiely, MD, MPM, FACP


Lessons for Opportunistic Transformation, Paul Barach, MD, MPH, Maj (ret.) and Jonathan L. Gleeson, MD


Behavioral Health & Post-acute Care, Michael Litterer, CHES, CPS, FHELA; Kathryn Richardson, MPA; Deborah Visconi; and Sandy Cayo, DNP, FNP-BC


Obstetrics & Birthing During COVID-19, Katherine H. Campbell, MD, MPH; Dena Goffman, MD, FACOG; Christian Pettker, MD; Blair Wylie, MD, MPH; and Mary R. Cooper, MD, JD


Managing Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in the Setting of the COVID-19 Patient Surge, Alan Kliger, Renee Garrick, Leslie Wong, David Chartyan, George Coritsidis, Jeffrey Silberzweig, and Savneek Chugh


COVID 19: What’s Next? Do Your Part, David B. Nash, MD, MBA; Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH; and Ami Patel, PhD, MPH


Social Distancing and Mental Health, Stephen DiDonato, PhD, LPC, NCC


Ethical Foundations for Fair Allocation of Scarce Critical Care Resources During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Barbara Bennett Jacobs, MPH, PhD, RN, HEC-C


Vulnerable and Marginalized Communities During COVID-19: A Focus on Children, Lauren VonHoltz, MD, MPH


Lessons from Italy, Vittorio Maio, PharmD, MS, MSPH


Telemedicine and COVID-19, Aditi Joshi, MD


COVID-19: Pharmaceutical Vaccine Development – General Process & Focus on a DNA-based Vaccine, Timothy Herring, MPH


Every Response is Local: Inside the Philadelphia Response to COVID-19, Jessica Caum, MA, MPH, CPH


COVID-19: Transmission Models that Inform Policy, Gary Smith, MA, MA, DPhil, PGCE


COVID-19: Impact on Our Healthcare System, Drew A. Harris, DPM, MPH


COVID-19: What Can Epidemiology Tell Us?, Ami Patel, PhD, MPH