What People are Saying about the Jefferson Digital Commons
Name: Yousra Hamid Abdulalim
Country: EG
Role: student
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/si_dh_2022_phase1/14
Comments: I'm a Health Economics student in Egypt, I enrolled in a HEOR Fellowship program, and I need this article to help me in my final project (BIA study of Kardiamobile for atrial fibrillation detection)
Country: US
Role: student
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/hpforum/138/
Comments: This podcast is very informative and interesting because it is highlighting the issues which have been ignored in past. The solution discussed in this podcast are easy to apply and easy to manage. I think student communities could be involved to play their role in resolving current health issues faced by our societies. Students could be involved to increase awareness in public about different healthcare problems.
Name: Adajean Purcell
Country: US
Role: student
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1266&context= jeffjpsychiatry
Comments: This paper is extremely helpful in my psych class as I have been assigned the role of learning more about the first case of DID
Name: Chiara
Country: IT
Role: student
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/cbfp/147/
Comments: I'm writing a thesis about melanoma and I have taken some ideas from this article
Name: Carrie J.
Country: US
Role: student
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jmbcimfp/15/
Comments: SO helpful to have online access to full article that I can't access otherwise right now as a student in virtual learning -- it's harder to get to the library. Also, my research took a turn so I am searching for articles more last minute and don't have time for inter library loan anymore. Access to this article is helpful to do better research and write a better paper, and help me understand my topic better. Thank you!
Country: US
Role: student
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/otfp/59/
Comments: This article is helping me to create a teaching skills review checklist for my capstone project in my OTD program.
Name: Hanna K.
Country: SE
Role: student
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/phsrs/35/
Comments: The information would be great for my school project
Name: Gastón P.
Country: AR
Role: student
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/medfp/27/
Comments: Saw a patient with compatible symptoms and this paper helped me to clarify some work-up needed.
Name: Vicki M.
Country: US
Role: student
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/si_phr_2022_phase1/18/
Comments: I am writing a paper on the affect of lead exposure on children's behavior.
Name: Lisa M.
Country: GB
Role: student
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jeffjpsychiatry/vol12/iss2/4/
Comments: It is very refreshing to see such material available to view. So much academic content is locked behind so-called 'Pay Walls' that I honestly think the realm of knowledge is out of reach for many people for whom it could be a very valueable source of learning; And thereby further the development of the sector.
Name: Kelly G.
Country: US
Role: student
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jeffjpsychiatry/vol8/iss1/5/
Comments: I was able to use this as researcher to discover some of the obstacles of treatment for individuals with cooccurring disorder.
Name: Paula Webster
Country: US
Role: student
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/otfp/13/
Comments: I was unable to access this article directly through my university's databases and wanted to reference this in a dissertation. Thank you!!
Name: Liz
Country: AU
Role: student
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jeffjpsychiatry/vol12/iss1/7/
Comments: Article accessed for assignment in 2nd Year Unit on Mental Health as part of the IKON Institute Australia, Bachelors of Art Psychotherapy. Thank you
Name: -
Country: US
Role: student
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jeffjpsychiatry/vol8/iss1/5/
Comments: Hi! I am a student at Purdue University Global, studying Sciemces of Psychology with a focus on Addictions. I was extremely grateful to find this journal article as open access, as it will be a perfect addition to my midterm assignment for my psychopharmacology course. This is my last term towards earning my Bachelor's degree, and this course is crucial to my career goal in addictions counseling as well as other roles I plan to explore. I will also be going for my Master's degree, after (or alongside) getting my CADC and LADC. Thank you so much for allowing students access to these resources. I promise that it is helping to develop the knowledge and tools we need to be successful in our fields!
Name: Radoslav Kalinov
Country: BG
Role: student
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jeffjpsychiatry/vol4/iss1/8/
"The Neuropsychiatric Syndrome of a Psychomotor Seizure Disorder in Sha" by Alan J. Cohen, MD - jdc.jefferson.edu
Abstract. Many of Shakespeare's characters suffer from the myriad of medical and surgical ailments that afflict mankind. Although many of these diseases serve merely to enhance the subtle shading of character in Shakespearean drama, certain disorders seem to provide a vital focus for the basic theme and plot development of the plays.
Comments: I used this information as content in my presentation on Othello.
Name: Brandy
Country: US
Role: student
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jeffjpsychiatry/vol9/iss1/9/
Comments: Thank you for documenting this phenomenon. This is so helpful for people who have had any type of mental health issue - it can help them possibly reach an accurate diagnosis!
Country: US
Role: student
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/carah_papers/13/
Comments: Using this article as a BSW student, for a project about caregiver support
Name: Alam
Country: AE (United Arab Emirates)
Role: student
Comments: Good work
Referring Page: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/mphcapstone_presentation/143/
Name: Amber Waters
Country: US
Role: student
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/orthofp/12/
Comments: Very informative. Using for a lit review in a case study. I am a physical therapist (20 years), doctoral student and researcher. I have read other articles including a review of surgical intervention for hamstring tears and tendinopathies.
Name: Leticia
Country: BR (Brazil)
Role: student
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1006&context=fmfp
Comments: I am a student at Universidade Estacio de Sa- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, College of Nutrition. We are writing a paper about Nutrition Literacy and would love to have access to the NLS. It would really help us in the development of our work, which is being conducted at a loca government family practice. Thank you in advance, Leticia Ghelman
Name: Richard Hom
Country: US
Role: student
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1015&context=phbfp
Comments: I am doing a dissertation on vision impairment and functional disability
Name: Carla
Country: US
Role: student
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1063&context=jmc_catalogs
Comments: I'm using this document as a primary source document in an english paper. The topic is "Choose a medical document that is important to today and was important in the past."
Name: Aileen
Country: US
Role: student
Resource URL: Chronic care at the crossroads: exploring solutions for chronic care management. 2007, Intel Corp. http://jdc.jefferson.edu/healthpolicyfaculty/38/
Comments: Access to this document further substantiates the background to my dissertation proposal
Country: Uganda
Role: student
Comments: I always like your materials because they enrich me in knowledge, thanks alot
Country: IT (Italy)
Role: student
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/otfp/49/
Comments: I am an occupational therapy student and I am looking for research articles in the role of occupational therapy in the treatment of dementia. There are not many free to read and download articles in the internet and buying my access to all the articles I need to read is too expensive. It is very helpful that you do not do that and so now I have found a very useful article.
Name: Kathy Allison (Porch)
Country: US
Role: researcher
Comments: I am thrilled to find my great-grandfather’s graduation information from 1871. He did his thesis on the History of Typhoid Fever. His name is Dr. George B. Porch. Thank you so much!
Name: Baldeepkaur Sehra
Country: IN
Role: researcher
Resource URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/15374416.2021.1955368
Comments: As an Occupational therapist, would want parents to use these strategies
Name: John Choate
Country: DZ
Role: researcher
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1012&context=savacool
Comments: Researching Elias I. Baily's status, a Jefferson graduate. Helpful information.
Name: Mandira Pawar
Country: US
Role: researcher
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1003&context=jhnj
Comments: Hi Jefferson University team. As a medical writer, the resource on spinal cord stimulators was a real help. It is concise, specific, and informative- everything you look for in an article. Thank you for posting it. Would love to see more of your articles.
Name: Jennifer Frazee
Country: US
Role: Director of Fort Gibson History Site
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/milsurgusa
Comments: I am director of Fort Gibson Historic Site in Oklahoma and wish to establish educational programs dealing with the medicines of the time. This book is going to help me do the research to accurately depict that history.
Name: Charles F.
Country: US
Role: Writer
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jmc_catalogs/9/
Comments: Researching Calvin P. Gailey, graduate of Jefferson Medical College in 1874, father of Mary Dennison Gailey, a violinist I'm writing about. This information was very helpful to me in trying to piece together his life story. Thanks for providing it!
Name: Patricia H.
Country: US
Role: Consulting and Prof Dev Coordinator
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/hplectures/26/
Comments: I need to facilitate a virtual workshop on cultural humility and would like to learn as much as possible about it so participants walk away with knowledge and strategies to implement cultural humility in their daily lives.
Name: julieta v.
Country: CL
Role: teacher
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jeffjpsychiatry/vol5/iss1/6/
Comments: Estoy investigando sobre depresión para trabajarlo en clase. soy profesora en un instituto de formación técnica.
Name: Charles E. Driscoll, MD
Country: US
Role: researcher
Resource URL: 1853 Jefferson Medical College information
Comments: I am writing a biography of Dr. John J. Terrell of Virginia. I accessed this material to confirm his graduation and the circumstances of his training.
Name: Deb E Howell
Country: NZ
Role: Writer
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/dacosta_modernsurgery/5
Comments: This article has been helpful in my research for my novel.
Name: Vivienne J Harris
Country: GB
Role: researcher
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jeffjpsychiatry/
Jefferson Journal of Psychiatry | Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior | Thomas Jefferson University
PUBLICATION OF THE JEFFERSON JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY HAS BEEN SUSPENDED. FOR INQUIRES, PLEASE CONTACT kelsey.duinkerken@jefferson.edu. The Jefferson Journal of Psychiatry is published by the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Comments: to be enlightened about how the use of hypnotism is regarded in a court of law
Name: K Wallace
Country: US
Role: researcher
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jeffjpsychiatry/vol9/iss1/9/
"Occupational Chemical Exposures and Psychiatric Disorders" by Mark L. Dembert, M.D., M.P.H. - jdc.jefferson.edu
Occupational exposure to metals, solvents, or pesticides can produce disorders of behavior, thought, or mood which can easily be misdiagnosed as 'Junctional." Accurate diagnosis obtained with a relevant clinical history, psychiatric interview, physical examination, and indicated laboratory tests will enable the delivery of necessary medical treatment and concurrently prevent repeat exposure to ...
Comments: This article showing chemical exposure and psychiatric disorders helped to show the greater damage by toxic metals not only on physical health, but on mental health as well. The article was useful in creating awareness with insurers that environmental contamination may have psychiatric consequences and be included in injuries. This article allowed for additional research on PubMed NIH to expand our understanding of environmental toxins and impact on health.
Name: Melanie Epperson
Country: US
Role: Infection Preventionist
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/healthpolicyfaculty/49/
Comments: Our healthcare system is endeavoring to improve hand hygiene compliance among healthcare personnel. We would like to engage patients and families in this effort, and this article is part of a literature search performed for this purpose.
Name: Susan J Cerri
Country: US
Role: researcher
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/jmc_catalogs/87/
Comments: I believe my great grandfather - Louis Franklin Burkley was a student for one year between 1891 and 1896. The story goes that he left when the school was closed for a semester due to cholera and he didn't return.
Name: Dr. Harshavardhan GVJA
Country: India
Role: researcher
Resource URL:
Comments: I am Director: Viral Vaccines at Bharat Biotech International Limited, Hyderabad, India. This article adds to my knowledge on Yellow Fever virus and its control. Thank you.
Name: T. Bradford Willis, DDS, MSD
Country: US
Role: researcher
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/skmccommencement/76/
Comments: I am working on a biographical sketch of Dr. John Richard Frazier (1861-1945) who practiced in Texas and Mexico for an entry in The Handbook of Texas. Thanks
Name: Don Taylor
Country: US
Role: researcher
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1021&context=gibbonsocietyprofiles
Comments: Thanks for making this information available to the public. It has helped deepen my understanding of the history of anesthesia.
Name: J Stansfield
Country: GB
Role: researcher
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1066&context=jmc_catalogs
Comments: As a researcher who is also currently studying for a masters degree in Health History, this source has been valuabel in identifying the background of J Aitken Meigs, who presented a clinical report on Bates' cure for stuttering, see: https://wellcomelibrary.org/item/b21116416#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=2&z=-1.1993%2C-0.0928%2C3.3985%2C1.7173
Country: US
Role: researcher
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1074&context=surgeryfp
Comments: Open access to research results will only improve the quality of further research and, ultimately, collective knowledge for best practices. Thank you for sharing faculty work.
Name: Barthelemy
Country: France
Role: Retired Engineer
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1064&context=neurologyfp
Comments: Subject found by documentary about light and melatonin and research es of Dr Stevens and al.
Name: Thomas Schueneman
Country: US
Role: Writer/journalist
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/jeffjpsychiatry/vol9/iss1/9/
Comments: Researching an article regarding case study of severe "sick building syndrome"
Name: Sam
Country: US
Role: History enthusiast
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1018&context=skmccommencement
Comments: I wanted to see who previously occupied the house I now live in. I found that Royal Warren Bemis, a doctor who graduated Jefferson in 1892, resided there and had his address, now my own, listed in a medical journal.
Name: Judith
Country: US
Role: Daughter
Comments: Just wanted to see my father's (Edward Gartman) commencement program.
Name: Suzanne Glover Lindsay
Country: US
Role: researcher
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1049&context=wagner2
Comments: I am pursuing material on the history of the relations between Jefferson and St. Stephen's Episcopal Church just north of Main Building (the inaugural Ely Building), beginning with the early years for both. I am Consulting Art Historian and Archivist for the church.
Country: US
Role: Banker in Healthcare
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/hpforum/113/
Comments: I attended the forum. Thank you for bringing in one of the most qualified persons to speak on this topic. It appears that he is a pioneer in the field. His presentation was straight forward, clear and funny. I gave me a great assessment of what HIT encompasses, where we stand in its development and its potential.
Name: Sylvia Syracuse
Country: US
Role: Independent Researcher
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/alumni_bulletin/93/
Comments: Thank you for posting the commencement program of 1923, my father's year. His name was Victor Royce Syracuse. He is mentioned in this Alumni Bulletin of 1960 as well.
Country: US
Role: researcher
Resource URL: "Catalogue of the Faculty and Students of Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, for the Session 1845-6 with a List of the Graduates of March, 1845" (1845).Jefferson Medical College Catalogs.Paper 69.
Comments: I used this resource while doing family genealogy. Thank you! I found my relative.
Name: Kim Broadnax
Country: US
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/hplectures/53/#IDComment1045885776
Comments: It is impressive to be able to see young people convene in a manner such as what was provided through the opportunity of involvement with Next City. The fact that they were able to work towards a common goal and achieve a status that included a monetary gift to assist a deprived community is awesome! I am excited that my daughter was able to be a part of this experience!
Name: Javier Casillas MD
Country: MX (Mexico)
Role: researcher
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/pacbfp/121/
Comments: I am very grateful for the opportunity to access this type of useful work to expand my knowledge in stem cells and their sustained clinical application
Name: Lauren Wiseman
Country: US
Role: Non-profit Regional HIE
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1002&context=ms_hqs
Comments: We are seeking information on medication reconciliation with HIE as we strive to provide valuable use cases for our participants.
Name: Betty Patricia Harrell
Country: US
Role: researcher
Resource URL: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/46965911.pdf
Comments: Too many volumes as I researcher Bricker, William Henry for genealogy I became fascinated by the sciences of the early 1900's and could not stop...Thank you putting tham online for free.
Name: Dave
Country: US
Role: Researcher
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1009&context=rothinsposters
Comments: good paper
Name: Kristen Merryman
Country: US
Role: Librarian
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1001&context=jmcmatriculates
Comments: We have a historian of Durham, NC's history who has been trying to track down the education history of Bartlett Durham, who founded Durham, NC and this helped confirm that he did attend Jefferson but never graduated. So thank you!
Name: Praja Shapkota
Country: US, Syracuse NY
Role: researcher
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/mphcapstone_presentation/150/
Comments: Interesting presentation. I am working on a similar project relates to refugee home ownership, community gardening and their well being.
Name: Ted Urbanski
Country: US
Role: researcher
Resource URL: Annual Announcement of the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia: Session of 1861-62" (1861). Jefferson Medical College Catalogs. Paper 50. http://jdc.jefferson.edu/jmc_catalogs/50
Comments: I have been researching the 8th Regiment Tennessee Cavalry Baxter Smith Commanding. 1862-65
Dr. William Thomas Delaney was member of that Unit as an Assistant Surgeon.
he was also a 4th Sergeant and later a Assistant Surgeon I in the 5th Tennessee Battalion of Cav.
with your permission I can send you his life Story and the success he had as a physician before and after the Civil War
Ted Urbanski
Name: Natalia B.
Country: ZW
Role: researcher
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/neurosurgeryfp/18/
Comments: !Need recommendation or consultation, if possible!
First, thank you so much for the article "Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor (MPNST)- An overview with emphasis on pathology, imaging and management strategies", it already turned to be very helpful in treatment and examination approach choosing for a 13-year patient with MPNST (proved by biopsy) and NF1.
I'm working as an oncologist in Moscow pediatric clinic (Russia - actually I haven't found my country in country-choosing list :), and this is one of my patients, the tumor is unresectable (involving near half of his neck with CA and VUI inside), so now we are trying to find out optimal non-surgical treatment tactics, but the information is rather poor and not really promising.
So actually I'm looking for an experience share, as the tumor is rather rare and the methods of treatment are still not very effective.
Name: Raoul de la Perlimpinpin
Country: US
Role: researcher
Resource URL: looking for photographs of the Class of 1978 because some famous physicians were in that class
Comments: Thank you for downloading these yearbooks. Please download 1978! There are famous doctors who graduated that year.
Name: Beverley Knoebel
Country: US
Role: Retired librarian
Comments: I have been researching information about my great-uncle, Dr. Edgar W. Kemner, and have appreciated very much the opportunity to view the 1917 yearbook which was the year in which he graduated from Jefferson Medical School. I also was pleased to see his fellow classmate, Dr. Harry Bailey, who was my family doctor in Tamaqua since my birth and years of growing up. Thank you so much! BBK
Name: Eliana Lage
Country: BR (Brazil)
Role: researcher
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1046&context=rothman_institute
Comments: I'm very grateful. Thanks by share your library
Name: Rebecca Nottingham
Country: US
Comments: Wow! Crazy to think that they could regulate bed tanning in the United States when only a few years ago it was one of the most promoted ways to tone your skin. Looking at our history of regulations with the induction of smoking, tanning almost doesn't make sense. It doesn't affect other people besides yourself which makes this a really controversial topic. Smoking can affect those around you which makes sense why they had to regulate it. I know that spray tanning is a great alternative which is why I started my own company. Even then, it will be curious to see how the health problems with that stack up as DHA is a prevalent additive that isn't good to ingest. Good article and thank you for posting!
Referring Page: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/mphcapstone_presentation/131/
Name: Tom Elmore
Country: US
Role: researcher
Comments: I am researching surgeons and assistant surgeons in the Union and Confederate armies at Gettysburg, and this resource has been very valuable since many graduates served in the Civil War.
Country: US
Role: researcher
Comments: Access to quality information was helpful in highlighting nurse-sensitive indicators in ambulatory care -- an area in which I have little formal exposure. Quick and affordable access was appreciated;so much change is happening so quickly these days. We need to move fast to stay in touch with trends and policy changes.
Name: Brian Shaw
Country: US
Role: researcher
Comments: Thanks for making this material available!
Name: Ana Marin
Country: US
Role: Local Public Health
Comments: We would like to thank Jefferson Digital Commons for making articles accessible to Local Public Health Agencies. As you may know, not being affiliated with an academic institution 8 results in lack of access to free peer reviewed journal articles that are essential to our work. Having free access is important since Local Public Health Agencies do not have funding to pay for articles, in addition, access to the latest literature provides opportunities to learn new ways of improving our work. We commend you for providing this incredible resource. Thank you.
Name: James Miller
Country: US
Role: researcher
Comments: In preparing to write an article for the Friends of Fort Fisher (NC) newsletter, I accessed this manual of Civil War surgery. It will be very helpful in providing information on the status of field surgery at the outset of the Civil War.
From Austria: D.Kuczer commented on "Cancer Screening 2014" by Richard C. Wender, MD - I wish we had such a program in our country. Compliance for breast and rectal cancer screening is still low. All the best for your work.
From Berlin: We are Medea Film, a production company based in Berlin, currently working on a documentary about breasts. This documentary will be broadcast on the german-french tv channel Arte probably around september.
R_D_Peterson_MD commented on "Jefferson Alumni Bulletin – Volume 63, Number 2, Spring 2014" - http://jdc.jefferson.edu/alumni_bulletin/310/ While wondering why I read the Bulletin peppered with corporate presentations and fluff, I read Marianne T Ritchie's Ode to a Mentor. I remember Dr. Goldstein as well during my first year fellowship at Lankenau under Dr. Gabuzda (another icon from the past). Thank you for reviving my memories of this gentleman physician, one who could be a model for so many and yet mirrored by so few
Name: Andrew Crockett
Country: US
Role: Researcher
Comments: I was able to find my Grandfather-in-law's graduation announcement in your database for genealogical research purposes.
Referring Page: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/jmc_catalogs/43/
Gonzalo Alberto commented on "Terapia recreativa- Manual de enseñanza para el paciente y la familia " by Thomas Jefferson - http://jdc.jefferson.edu/spinalcordmanual_esp/15/ Me gusta y quiero recibir información, soy una persona trasplantada renal y quiero aprender como mantener mí cuerpo en forma y buena condición física y mental ya que soy un muy angustiado y nervioso. Muchas gracias Dios los bendiga en Abundancia.
Name: Joan A.
Country: US
Role: family member
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/skmccommencement/52/
Comments: My grandfather was a member of this graduating class of Jefferson Medical College 1915. It was wonderful to be able to share it with my 95 year old uncle, the son of Abe Dattner. He has been a bit depressed lately and this really cheered him up. Thank you for saving this bit of family history.
Name: Jonathon A.
Country: US
Role: Son of a 1944 Graduate, Norbert F. Alberstadt
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jmc_yearbooks/55/
Comments: Someone just sent me a web address to access your 1944 Yearbook - my Dad, Norbert F. Alberstadt, was a member of that class. It was an amazing walk-back in time and seeing a couple photos of my Dad.
Name: Jacqueline W.
Country: US
Role: researcher
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/skmccommencement/129/
Comments: A useful resource for locating my grandfather's Medical Graduation program. Melvin I Glick class of 1944. If you have any other information about him I would love to see it. Where and when he did internship etc. I am writing a family history and it was thrilling to find this commencement program on line.
Name: Kathleen O.
Country: US
Role: granddaughter of one of the graduates
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/skmccommencement/72/
Comments: It's great to see this document. My grandfather was Marcus Keen Mines.
Name: Lisa P.
Country: US
Role: Fred was my great uncle
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/gibbonsocietyprofiles/43/
Comments: Although Fred and Mary Ellen lived down the street from us, I always love reading about him and enjoyed seeing the picture of my Grandma Grace when she was young. Thank you!
Name: Damon C.
Country: US
Role: Family of Former Student
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/skmccommencement/35/
Comments: My grandfather graduated from Jefferson in 1932 with his medical degree. He is featured in the document you scanned and posted. He won the prize for the best surgery graduate in 1932. It is a remarkable piece of family history, and I am so lucky you scanned it in and made it available free of charge. What a wonderful service, and credit to local history
Name: D.O.
Country: US
Role: Related to alumnus
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/skmccommencement/32/
Comments: Link worked well - thank you for setting this up. Nice to see my grandfather's name
Name: Yvonne Wilson
Country: US
Role: Family Genealogist
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/gould1/25/
Comments: I'm using a photos of Dr. A. V. Chessrown(Class of 1870) and Dr. William Lightcap Hunter (Class of 1868) in a family history book. Having photos of people helps bring stories to life. Thank you for making the photos available
Country: CA
Role: genealogist
Comments: researching the Canadian WWI records of an uncle who had a double amputation above the knees.
Name: Ann Carper
Country: US
Role: Daughter of 1952 graduate
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jmc_yearbooks/65/
Comments: It was fun to look up my Dad's page and see his picture (and those of his classmates whom he stayed in touch with while we were growing up). I also liked the shout-out to the wives. My mother worked there before my brother was born. Both parents (now deceased) enjoyed their time as a young couple in Philly and the friends they made at school.
Name: Julie Reimann
Country: US
Role: granddaughter to Dr. Hobart Reimann
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/wagner2/
Comments: Dr. Hobart Reimann was my grandfather. I am researching his career to pass the information on to my children. Thank you.
Name: Rachel Lintz
Country: US
Role: Amateur researcher
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1012&context=jcbscommencement
Comments: Discovered this document while conducting family history research. My father was in the medical college class of graduates. Very happy to have found this copy online. Thank you very much for digitizing it!! It is a tremendous resource.
Name: Stephen Putney
Country: US
Role: son
Resource URL: pdf download
Comments: researching my late father's history
Name: Paul Markowski
Country: US
Role: family genealogy
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1015&context=jmc_yearbooks
Comments: Thank you for this service. I had no pictures of my great uncle Adam William Thomas Ryan. I learned that he was a graduate of the 1906 class from a 1910 roster of the Dayton Ohio Police Dept. where he was a police surgeon. That write up led me here- very grateful for this.
Name: Jim Pyle
Country: US
Role: Family
Resource URLs: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1038&context=alumni_bulletin
Comments: Arno E. Town, M.D., class of 1926 and later Professor of Ophthalmology, was my great uncle. He died 50 years and 3 days ago when I was a small child. My memories of him are vague and it was nice to find all this and learn more about his life and career.
Name: Gus Gotwalt
Country: US
Role: Great Grandson of WWI medic at Base 38
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/american_red_cross_base_hospital/
Comments: I have a copy of that book that the pdf forms are from; and that book is falling apart. I am very grateful for whoever scanned the pages from their book.
Name: Brian Curwick
Country: US
Role: Grandson of Alumni
Comments: My grandmother, Kathryn Fleck Saunders,RN was mentioned in this issue for her Presidency of Alumni and on her passing.
Name: Carol Cote
Country: US
Role: Family History
Comments: My great grandfather, M. K. Bowers attend[ed] Jefferson Medical College and studied under Dr. Ellerslie Wallace in 1878. I have one of his medical journals, with an "In Memoriam" of Dr Ellerslie Wallace pasted in the front. Dr. Bowers gave his first son the middle name of Ellerslie after Dr. Wallace. Thank you for this great information. It certainly adds to our family story.
Referring Page: Jefferson Medical College Catalogs
Country: US
Role: relative of graduate
Comments: Thank you for the alumni listing which enabled me to learn that my great grand uncle James R. Pepper (1831-1860)graduated in 1857 from Jefferson Medical College. He practiced for only about three years when, at the age of 28, he passed away from either typhoid or yellow fever. Without this website I doubt if I could have ever discovered which medical school he was graduated from. Referring Page: listing of alumni 1857
Name: Dian Wordinger
Country: US
Role: staff, University of Notre Dame
Comments: I recently was provided with a picture and information that my great grandfather was a professor at Thomas Jefferson University (photo depicting his wife and children; one of his daughters is my grandmother). Always wanting to double-check facts, the document, "Catalog of Trustees, Professors, and Students of Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia: Session of 1882-83" listed his name: Thomas H. Carey, M.E. I plan to continue to research more, however this document provided me a foundation to begin to learn more about my ancestors.
Referring Page: Catalogue of Trustees, Professors, and Students of
Name: Jerry J. Svoboda, MD
Country: US
Role: surgeon, amateur medical historian
Comments: Dear friends, I am the owner of the surgical instruments of Civil War surgeon Joseph R. Martin, Jefferson class of 1862. I printed out the 1861-62 catalogue to keep with the instruments as part of the historical record. Many thanks for this service to the profession and the ease of accessibility. Jerry Svoboda MD, Hahnemann Class of '77
Referring Page: Catalogue of Jeff. Med Coll session 1861-62
Name: Alejandro A. Diaz Calvo
Country: PE
Role: faculty
Comments: I am a professor at the National University of Trujillo, Peru. I use it for students of the 6th year of medicine, Neurosurgery course
Name: Daniel Austin
Country: US
Role: faculty
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/petposters/1/
Comments: For research for buprenorphine formulation stability
Name: Jacqueline A.
Country: AU
Role: faculty
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jeffjpsychiatry/vol10/iss2/4/
Comments: It is very useful to be able to get hold of key articles that support the teaching of key skills to trainees. This is especially pertinent now that I don't' have an academic appointment and thus no access to a library and its' databases. This article forms a good basis for discussion of different formulations and how they might need to be integrated in different situations.
Name: Marion S.
Country: US
Role: faculty
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jmc_yearbooks/87/
Comments: I have been invited to join/ address the class of 1990 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of their graduation!! Want to make sure I can associate faces I remember with names, which I often forget.
Country: US
Role: faculty
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/otfp/24/
Comments: Very interesting content and helpful to Occupational Therapy students.
Name: Carl Decker
Country: US
Role: faculty
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/radiologyfp/8/
Comments: Great paper that provides an easy way to generate standardized method of liver measurement. As a practicing radiologist I use it 2-3 times per week.
Name: José T.
Country: US
Role: faculty
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/hplectures/
Comments: Interest in further expanding, integrating, and enriching cultural competence and cultural humility within my personal and professional identity, including roles in clinical practice, supervision, and teaching social work/marriage and family therapy.
Name: Tony Meadows
Country: US
Role: faculty
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/hplectures/26/
Comments: Thank you. Very helpful.
Name: C. Schouten
Country: US
Role: faculty
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/rsfp/1/
Comments: Very useful as a review on how to identify chorionicity and amnionicity for multiple pregnancy. Well written, easy to understand. Appreciate the ultrasound pictures as well as the apartment analogy.
Name: Allart K.
Country: US
Role: faculty
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/cooper/
Comments: I am giving a talk on breast development in lactation. So much appreciate your providing this classic reference. There is a LOT of information in older documents that is not readily available or otherwise similarly presented in current texts.
Name: Melanie Taylor
Country: US
Role: MSNEd. Nurse educator
Comments: I have been learning about improved therapies for glioblastoma. This article is free, makes this search much more rewarding.
Name: Owen Korn
Country: CL
Role: faculty
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/dacosta_modernsurgery/
Comments: I'm interested in the history of surgery and as a professor of young surgeons I want them to know and value it.
Name: Anna Bates
Country: US
Role: faculty
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/yellow_fever_symposium/10/
Comments: I am writing an article about Methodist circuit riding preachers who died from Yellow Fever in the United States between c. 1784 and 1899.
Name: Peter Lopez
Country: US
Role: faculty
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1078&context=orthofp
Comments: Thank you for posting your article regarding wrist replacement and fusion complications. It was helpful to educate my patients and change my management
Name: Niny Rao
User: Faculty
I just want to thank you for archiving the CSHLA scholarship day posters and make them available online. A food safety specialist contacted me regarding my research on cold brew coffee because she found the poster on Google scholar. Thank you thank you thank you!
Country: US
Role: faculty
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/rothinsposters/
Comments: of great help
Country: US
Role: physician, member of antibiotic stewardship comm
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1103&context=medfp
Comments: good info on use of bandemia in clinical practice
Name: Rifka Saltz
Country: US
Role: faculty
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/otfp/3/
Comments: I need to learn how to administer and score the DAYC2 assessment, and the instructions provided on this website are clearest I've seen. Better than the manual my employer provides, and anything else I've seen on the web.
Country: Italy
Role: Faculty
Comments: Very interesting article
Name: Dr P Prabhakar
Country: Ireland
Role: faculty
Resource URL: Common peroneal nerve palsy following total knee arthroplasty: prognostic factors and course of recovery. http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1067&context=orthofp
Comments: The article would be of use in management of post TKR complications
Country: IT
Role: faculty
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1013&context=orthofp
Comments: I need to deepen my knowledge about the cervical facets fracture/dislocations. Your article is cited in many cases.
Name: Michael Ruiz, Ph.D.
Country: US
Role: faculty
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1065&context=jmc_yearbooks
Comments: I have a website of my historic hometown, Yorkship Village (Fairview), Camden, NJ (www.yorkshipvillage.com
I am inspired by Jefferson's commitment to history by making yearbooks available online in digital form. Jefferon's fine website encourages me to continue with my own website on the history of Yorkship Village, Camden, NJ and the associated Shipyard for which the town was built c. 1918.
On a personal note, Dr. Kaigh (also M.S. in Math from Temple before going to med school) taught me tensor analysis c. 1970. I would like to honor my former teachers such as Dr. Kaigh in my teaching both in class at my university and through making theoretical physics material available online in the spirit of educational and non-commercial "Creative Commons" dissemination of knowledge.
Michael J. Ruiz, Ph.D.
Professor of Physics
UNC Asheville
Name: Kaushik Dasgupta
Country: GB (Great Britain)
Role: faculty
Comments: I have been hugely benefitted by this article, so much so that I am taking this minute out of a really busy and challenging Sunday sign out session. Kind Regards Yours sincerely
Name: Dorian J Wilson
Country: US
Role: faculty
Comments: I am giving a lecture that includes a salute to two military surgeons under whom I trained. The information will be quite helpful in setting a background for the talk. Thank you. Referring Page: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/milsurgusa/1/
Name: Johanna
Country: BE (Belgium)
Role: faculty
Comments: thank you for allowing us to read this paper without having to pay for it
Referring Page: Cardio-oncology for the 21st century
Name: Heikki Peltola
Country: FI (Finland)
Role: faculty
Comments: I'm giving a lecture on yellow fever
Referring Page: Yellow fever in ancient times
Name: Marianthi Kiriakidou
Country: US
Role: faculty
Comments: I am so grateful for this chapter on the history of the Division of Rheumatology at Jefferson! I found it browsing the web for some additional information I needed to complete the content of the Division's new web site. Thank you for posting it! I would like to request permission to include the photos of the past division directors on our new site. Marianthi Kiriakidou MD Associate Professor of Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University
Name: David Moore
Country: AU (Australia)
Role: faculty
Comments: I'm researching different ideas in yoga teaching about head stands, inversions & glaucoma for a book which I am writing. Thanks for posting this really useful article.
Name: Amity
Country: US
Role: Friend of a patient
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/department_neuroscience/48/
Comments: Helping an overwhelmed friend suffering from mysterious neurological symptoms after having covid, and this science enthusiast very much appreciates free access to this information.
Name: Eva R.
Country: US
Role: Parent
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jeffjpsychiatry/vol11/iss1/16/
Comments: The diagnosis of a family member with schizoid personality disorder has led me to research literature on the subject, and learn about appropriate treatments.
Name: Tabatha
Country: US
Role: Patient with FAI & synovial herniation pit
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/orthofp/32/
Comments: When my hip condition first started hurting 7 years ago I received an MRI arthrogram test/steroid injection simultaneously with dye. Back then very little data about my condition had been put online at all. Even now its limited material. I appreciate reading this article as it helped me to learn more information. Now at 36 years old-I am in severe hip/thigh pain again and about to get another MRI arthrogram and possibly the arthroscopic surgery to correct the condition. I am also a nurse and mother of four boys.
Thank you again for putting this article online!
Name: Bill C.
Country: US
Role: Patient
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/tmf/vol17/iss1/18/
Comments: Hello - In 2006 I had a Metal on Metal (MoM) hip replacement which resulted in having to have 3 revisions in 2013 (metallosis... bone and muscle loss) due to Cobalt/chromium. I had these revisions at Jefferson. Due to ALTR (adverse local tissue reaction) I'm having another revision to remove the remaining cobalt component -the stem. Of course, I realize that the cobalt level will not magically drop below minimum threshold, and I will be discussing alternative treatments after the revision. This article was very informative and gave me information to discuss with my doctor.
Name: Bob
Country: US
Role: Medical counselor to sibling
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/tmf/vol16/iss1/8/
Comments: I am not a medical doctor, but do have a doctorate in Cell Biology. I am accessing this resource to assist in medical decisions for my sister, who has late stage ovarian cancer and is currently hospitalized with perhaps gemcitabine originated aHUS
Name: Peter Groer
Country: US
Role: Patient
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/orthofp/13/
Comments: I had right ankle fused 2.5 months ago. The article gave me interesting information and helped me to get a deeper understanding of arthrodesis. Unfortunately the figures were missing.
Name: kate f.
Country: US
Role: Parent of Bi-polar 20 year old
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1405&context=jeffjpsychiatry
Comments: I am extremely grateful to find clear, concise information on a drug I am considering for my son. He clearly has a disdain for many of the side effects of other medications he has tried, and this has been a major problem.
Name: Bev Tumelty
Country: Great Britain
Role: Patient with anorectal melanoma
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/tmf/vol17/iss1/9/
Comments: researching these articles as had APER in March16 for anorectal melanoma and trying to find some positive outcomes. no luck yet. I am finding articles very interesting though as I am also a qualified nurse.
Country: US
Role: patient
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1052&context=rothman_institute
Comments: I have a partial hamstring tendon tear and this article helped me learn about my injury
Name: Laura
Country: US
Role: Investigating my father's diagnosis
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1012&context=surgeryfp
Comments: Thank you for the valuable information. I feel more informed for tomorrow's conversation with my father's oncologist. My father just had a splenectomy and cancer was discovered on the spleen and pancreas. I have time to prepare my mom for the news that these may not be the primary sites where the cancer originated. Thanks again, Laura in Missouri
Doctors/Medical Practitioners
Name: Sara
Country: PT
Role: Occupational Therapist
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1087&context=otfp
Comments: I think is important to help the family of my patients with autism
Name: Bob H.
Country: US
Role: Licensed Professional Counselor
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jeffjpsychiatry/vol8/iss1/12
Comments: In my role as mental health counselor in a maximum security prison I frequently meet with individuals who have witnessed others being killed. Papers such as this are helpful in my work with this population. Thank you.
Name: Marcella
Country: US
Role: RN Data Manager
Comments: The article is about vaccine hesitancy and because I believe the science and know of some co-workers and possibly some church members that are hesitating about taking the vaccine, i want to arm myself with as much irrefutable or just an increase in knowledge of why it would be better i they took the vaccine.
Name: Juliet H.
Country: US
Role: OT
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/createday/
Comments: Well done. Great resource for something I need to learn more about.
Country: US
Role: Nurse Practitioner
Comments: Great article and will sway my chose when thinking about prescribing Bupropion to the elderly population
Name: Natalia S.
Country: US
Role: OT Alumni and OT Practitioner
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/createday/
Comments: Great Presentation. You brought to surface great points about an OT role in a parent with an SCI. Some points that I felt were important include: providing SCI parenting education in the hospital post partum for mothers; schools not being accessible for parents with SCI; and decreased research for fathers of SCI vs. mothers. I also found the website: Through the looking glass great! Thank you!
Name: Dr Mark Parry
Country: GB
Role: Consultant Psychiatrist
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jeffjpsychiatry/vol10/iss2/4/
Comments: Useful for teaching doctors in training. Thanks
Name: Kimberly S.
Country: US
Role: LCSW
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jeffjpsychiatry/vol3/iss1/12/
Comments: Thank you. I have a new client, 23years old, separated at age 7 from identical twin brother by TN foster care system. Client is experiencing symptoms of dissociative disorder, depression and social anxiety. Trying to find answers.
Name: Daniel Allan
Country: US
Role: plastic surgeon in private practice
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/orthofp/7/
Comments: I plan to do this procedure
Name: Dela Posey
Country: US
Role: clinician
Comments: Used this to help prepare for an inservice.
Name: Audrey Orphanos
Country: US
Role: Emergency Services Crisis Clinician
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/jeffjpsychiatry/vol10/iss2/11/
Comments: Thank you for not charging a fee to review this research.
Name: Karyem H. Aliffe, MD
Country: US
Role: Medical Doctor
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1002&context=jmbcimfp
Comments: Thank you. It is very helpful to have open-access articles; it enables more effective e sharing, especially with motivated patients and fellow practitioners.
Name: Dr P Prabhakar
Country: Ireland
Role: faculty
Resource URL: Common peroneal nerve palsy following total knee arthroplasty: prognostic factors and course of recovery. http://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1067&context=orthofp
Comments: The article would be of use in management of post TKR complications
Name: Steve Vandewalle
Country: US
Role: Flight medic
Comments: This article was helpful in illustrating the nebulous association between autonomic dysfunction and cluster headaches. My wife has had (still undiagnosed) unilateral autonomic dysfunction in a cluster headache pattern, with no real pain---just a tightness
Name: Dr. Sabyasachi Kar
Country: US
Comments: Excellent podcast. I hadn't heard of V-BID before now, but now that I have I have to say that V-BID seems to be common sense, and I'm surprised it hasn't caught on more than it has. Then again, I suppose it's only a matter of time! Great ideas have a tendency to prevail.
Referring Page: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/hpforum/91/
My name is Theresa, I'm a PT from Oklahoma. I ran across your website when searching for patient/family education materials. There are some excellent articles on your site, I am quite impressed that your manuals have so much detail. I would like to use some of your materials for my rehab unit and I just wanted to check with you to make sure this is okay. Thanks for your time! Theresa Fletcher, DPT
Name: Colonel Jeffrey A. Bailey, MD, FACS
Country: US
Role: Military Surgeon in War
Comments: Thank you for making this manual available by open access. The responsibilities and attributes of a military surgeon that Dr. Gross "hastily" characterized in this manual are as relevant and poignant today as they were in the opening days of the American Civil War. These words have inspired a new generation of military surgeons and resolve us to our purpose, service, and calling.
Referring Page: A Manual of Military Surgery, Samuel D. Gross, MD
Name: antonio spagnolin
Country: Italy
Role: physical therapist - spinal unit
Comments: I'd like to translate your "patient-family teaching manual, Bowel" to give our patients and carers as a teaching tool. It's extremely well-done. I'm here to ask the permission to translate and distribute it. Thanks and best regards
Referring Page: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/spinalcordmanual_eng/4/
Name: G Burns
Country: US
Role: forum participant
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1140&context=jeffjpsychiatry
Comments: Several anti freud comments were aggressively asserted, rationalized as 'opinion'. I used the above cite as a rebuttal.
Name: Valter Carneiro Da Cunha Daello Moreira
Country: BR
Role: CRM instructor
Resource URL: All articles
Comments: I have been working for the last 7 years on projects that includes CRM from Aviation to health care in Brazil. So I am very interested in everything about CRM implementation.
Name: jack h.
Country: US
Role: engineering & technical
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jeffbiographies/12/
Comments: My father and I provided electrical engineering/technician support to Dr. Miller with the construction of the heart-lung machine at the laboratory. Some design/electronic chassis construction work was provided as hands-on support. I recall my father, Stanley, telling Dr. Miller to be very careful NOT to touch a particular assembly until we completed the work the next day. Of course, Dr. Miller being Dr. Miller, was very curious and accidentally explored that area he was warned against. My dad received a call from him late that night telling us that he got knock on his a.. when he touch the assembly...a capacitor with a high electrical charge. To my knowledge he never touch any assemblies inside the unit again!
Name: Margaret B.
Country: US
Role: Freelance Writer
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/alumni_bulletin/122/
Comments: I am doing research for an essay. My grandfather was Dr. C. Nelson Davis (founder of Malvern Institute) depicted in the photograph on page 46 awarding the Citation of Merit to Dr. Keyes.
Name: Juliann R.
Country: US
Role: Human; Artist; Social Advocate; Lifelong Learner
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jeffjpsychiatry/vol12/iss1/4/
Comments: Thank you so much for allowing public access to this article. I had my first depressive episode this year and I found myself lost without information. I felt failed by the healthcare system because I didn't know what was happening with my own brain and why people were trying to prescribe me SSRI's. I found this article helpful as a base for where research has expanded into since 1994 and how much more needs to be done. Thanks again for allowing humans like me to have basic access to scientific information. I was so inspired by this that I turned this article into script art, where I outlined a drawing of serotonin with my handwritten version of this article. A perfect match between advocacy-science-art.
Name: Mary Beth M.
Country: US
Role: Administrator
Resource URL: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/hplectures/44/
Comments: The resource is easily accessed, and I like that it opens in a separate window.
Name: Tiffanie Morrow
Country: US
Role: caregiver
Resource URL: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/radoncfp/17/
Comments: I can now better understand late radiation symptoms... so little to read. My husband is 6 yr survivor and now having weakness and now extreme one sided motor issues... seems a little like ms, loss of muscle control.
Request to use video collection on teaching residents http://jdc.jefferson.edu/resteach/ in an online graduate Teaching and Learning in Medical Education at the Memorial University of Newfoundland
“I just have to thank you, thank you for posting this article! I was looking on search engines like google and yahoo search things about but was not finding anything! I found this blog and now but could not find what I was looking for! thanks again, was very much in need!”
Adverse health effects of nighttime lighting: comments on american medical association policy statement.