Faculty day presentations at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia PA. Faculty development | Thomas Jefferson University | Thomas Jefferson University


Presentations from 2019


JeffMD’s Wellness Thread: Lessons Learned, Nethra Ankam, MD


Engaging Students to Improve Research Competencies, Sam Bardarik, MLIS; Paul Hunter, DMD, MLIS; and Gary Kaplan, MSLIS, AHIP


Client Centered Simulation: Practicing Interprofessional Teamwork with Standardized Patients, E. Adel Herge, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA; Sarah Libros, BA; Courtney Newsome, BA; Richard Hass, PhD; Caitlin Cadematori, OTS; Abegale Nelson, BS; and Neal Geosits, BA


Determining a Clinical Role for Digital Apps for Mental Health, Hephsibah Loeb, MD and Ann Chandy, MD


Electronic Notebooks to Facilitate Student Learning Within and Beyond the Classroom, Mary Muhlenhaupt, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA; Mary Ann Wagner-Graham, PhD; and Gary E. Kaplan, MSLIS, AHIP


Faculty writing: A year-long approach to producing publishable manuscripts, Jennifer Wilson, MS, ELS; Pamela Walter, MFA; and Julie Phillips, PhD

Posters from 2018


A Novel Diabetes Elective Course for Pharmacy Students, Amy M. Egras, PharmD, BCPS, BC-ADM


Stop Limiting Your Audience! The Benefits and Challenges of Open Access Publishing, Daniel Verbit, Megan Fuller, and Niny Z. Rao

Presentations from 2017

Design is Not Just for Designers! Use Design Thinking & Interprofessional Hackathon Design Events to Innovate Your Curriculum or Clinical Practice, Kimberly S. Mollo, OTD, OTR/L

1st Annual Digital Teaching Inventory Initiative, Audrey Zapletal, MS, OTR/L; Jeffrey Klemens, PhD; Jeff Ashley, PhD; Renee Bollenbach, MSN, RN; Les Sztandera, PhD; Tracey Vause-Earland, PhD, OTR/L; Anthony J. Frisby, PhD; Kelly Lennen, MS, CT(ASCP); Julie Phillips, PhD; and Anne Bower, PhD

Presentations from 2016

Generational Cohorts in the Work Setting and Classroom: Understanding Differences and Maximizing Strengths, Mary Bouchard, PhD, MSN, CNS, RN, CRRN; Mary Hanson-Zalot, EdD(c), MSN, RN, AOCN; and Jeffrey Stevens, MSILR

The Anatomy of a Lab Practical and the Dissection of the Results, Kathleen Day, MS and Elizabeth Spudich, PhD

Emotional Intelligence: How a Conversation Gains Momentum, Colleen Dempsey, MS, RT(R); Elena Umland, PharmD; Mary Hanson-Zalot, EdD(c), MSN, RN, AOCN; and Julia Ward, PhD, RN

Benefiting the Community Through Interprofessional Experiential Education, Angela Gerolamo, PhD, APRN, BCPS; Andrea Joseph, MS, RPh; Kathryn M. Shaffer, EdD, RN, MSN, CNE; and Gerald Meyer, PharmD, MBA

Applying Assessment to Teaching: A Review of the Office of Institutional Research's Longitudinal Study Data, Carolyn Giordano, PhD

Like We're Kids Again: Leveraging IT to Engage Adult Learners, Rebecca C. Jaffe, MD; Bracken Babula, MD; Ruben Rhoades, MD; and Adam P. Johnson, MD, MPH


Authors, Monitor Your Publications and Their Impact with Scopus and ORCID, Gary E. Kaplan, MSLIS, AHIP and Patricia Wynne, BSN, RN, MSLIS

Engaging Your Students In Global Health Education and Practice Experiences Built Into Your Curriculum, Nicholas Leon, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP and Robert Simmons, DrPH, MPH, MCHES, CPH

Entrustable Professional Activities in Medical Education, Michael Mallow, MD


Using a Smartphone App to Teach Students Practical Epidemiological Skills, Russell K. McIntire, MPH, PhD; Kathleen Day, MS; and Sean Dyer, BS

Faculty as Learner: Re-Invigorating Teaching Practices as a Community, Julie Phillips, PhD


iCE (Interactive Curricula Experience) Platform & App Adoption, Use & Evaluation Across Thomas Jefferson University, Julie Phillips, PhD and Martha Langley Ankeny, MEd.

A Multi-Dimensional Framework for Exploring Effective Technology Integration into the Learning Environment, Julie Phillips, PhD and Susan Toth-Cohen, PhD, OTR/L


The Sustainable Development Goals: Implications and Integration Across the Curricula, Lucille B. Pilling, MPH, EdD, RN and Kathleen C. Ashton, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC

Training Health Care Professionals to Serve as Catalysts to Enhance Health Literacy, James D. Plumb, MD, MPH; Rickie Brawer, MPH, PhD; Robert Simmons, DrPH, MPH, MCHES; and Martha Romney, RN, MS, JD, MPH

Addressing Pain in Older Adults Through an Interprofessional Lens, Sharon Rainer, PhD, APRN, ANP-BC, FNP-BC and Emily Hajjar, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, CGP

Inviting them in: Teaching Medical Students About The Patient Centered Medical Home, Stefani Russo, MD

The Jefferson Teamwork Observation Guide (JTOG) Using a Mobile Application Platform to Assess Behavior of Interprofessional Teams, Shoshana Sicks, MEd; Lauren Collins, MD; Carolyn Giordano, PhD; and Elizabeth T. Speakman, EdD, RN, ANEF, FNAP

2016: Welcome and Overview to 8th Annual Jefferson Faculty Days, Mark L. Tykocinski, MD


Grants Information Service, Helena Washington, MLS and Paul Hunter, DMD, MLIS

Presentations from 2015

Taking the Leap from Educational Environments to Publication, Nethra S. Ankam, MD; Tracey Vause-Earland; and Robert D. Lieberthal, PhD


Development and Implementation of Shared Content Via the iCE Platform and Application, Martha Langley Ankeny, M.Ed; Susan Wainwright, PhD, PT; Anthony Frisby, PhD; and Elizabeth Spudich, PhD

Elevating the Role of the Medical Assistant through a Team-Based Training Curriculum, Bracken Babula, MD and Lawrence D. Ward, MD, MPH, FACP

Integration of Community Benefit Activities into Faculty and Student Learning, Rickie Brawer, MPH, PhD and James D. Plumb, MD, MPH


Use of the Delphi Technique in Instrument Development to Assess Debriefing Facilitation, E. Adel Herge, OTD, OTR/L; Susan Wainwright, PT, PhD; and Jennifer Saylor, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC

A Quality Improvement Toolkit: Integrating QI awareness, engagement, and concepts into teaching, Rebecca C. Jaffe, MD and Bracken Babula, MD

Incorporation and evaluation of student professionalism relative to accreditation standards, Amber King, PharmD, BCPS, JSP; E. Adel Herge, OTD, OTR/L; Mary Hess, PharmD, FASHP, FCCM; Andrea Joseph, MS, RPh; Gagan Kaushal, PhD; Kathryn Shaffer; Steven Herrine, MD; Elena Umland, PharmD; and Susan Wainwright, PT, PhD

Assessment of the DPT Professional Behavior Development Program at Graduation and 1-3 Years of Practice, Marcia Levinson, PT, PhD, MFT and Therese E. Johnston, PT, PhD, MBA

Staying Vital: Building a Personal Model, John C. Lewis, Ed.D.

Anesthesiology Intra-operative Handoff Tool, Michelle Petrie, MD


College within the College: Population Health, James Plumb, MD, MPH; Rickie Brawer, PhD, MPH, MCHES; Abbie Santana, MSPH; Robert Simmons, DrPH, MPH, MCHES, CPH; and Nancy Chernett, MA, MPH

Public Health in Undergraduate Medical Education—An Innovative Four-Year Area of Concentration, James D. Plumb, MD, MPH; Rickie Brawer, MPH, PhD; Abbie Santana, MSPH; and Colleen Payton, MPH, CHES

Keynote presentation: Every one Has a Story: Listen Hold Gratitude and Love, Kellie Smith, EdD, RN


e-Portfolios in Practice, Ivy Tan, MA; Robert Simmons, DrPH, MPH, CHES, CPH; Susan Toth-Cohen, EdD, OTR/L; Jennifer L. Bellot, PhD, RN, MHSA; and Juan Leon, PhD

Opportunities in Dissection Room for Integrative and Active Learning, Guiyan Zhang, MD, PhD and Bruce Fenderson, PhD

Presentations from 2014

Using QR Coding to Create Interactive Patient and Provider Resources, Jennifer L. Bellot, PhD, RN, MHSA

DVDs and SPs: How Video Recording and Standardized Patients are Used in the Radiologic Sciences, Collleen Dempsey, MS, RT(R) and Maureen McDonald

Pedagogical Methods and Use of Instructional Technology Among Health Professions’ Educators in a University Setting, Traci B. Fox, MS, RDMS, RVT, RT(R), PhD

Keeping it Real—Using Standardized Patients to Improve Learning Outcomes, E. Adel Herge, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA; Leigh Ann Hewston, PT; and Kimberly S. Mollo, MS, OTR/L

Simulation in a Culminating Physical Therapy Clinical Decision Making Course, Therese E. Johnston, PT, PhD, MBA; Brian Wolfram, PT, DPT; and E. Adel Herge, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA

The Power and Strength of Written Reflection, Andrea Joseph, MS, RPh; Elena Umland, PharmD; and Amber King, PharmD, BCPS, CGP

Interprofessional, Collaborative Learning Via Online Patient Safety Module for First- Year Physical Therapy and Third-Year Pharmacy Students, Marcia Levinson, PT, PhD, MFT and Amber King, PharmD, BCPS, CGP

Pathways and Potholes on the Road to the Learning Community, John C. Lewis, Ed.D.

Public Health in Undergraduate Medical Education—An Innovative Four-Year Area of Concentration, James D. Plumb, MD, MPH; Rickie Brawer, MPH, PhD; Abbie Santana, MSPH; and Colleen Payton, MPH, CHES

Partnerships for Health—Jeff HEALTH and the Rwanda Village Concept Project—A Model of Interdisciplinary Health Professions Student Global Education, James D. Plumb, MD, MPH; Ellen Plumb, MD; and Komal Soin, MD

An Interprofessional Geriatric Clinical Skills Fair, Brooke Salzman, MD; Lauren Collins, MD; Emily Hajjar, PharmD, BCPS, CGP; Danielle Snyderman, MD; Leigh Ann Hewston, PT; Tracey Vause-Earland, OTR/L; Cecilia Borden, EdD, RN; Sokha Koeuth, MPH, BA; and Claire Sokas, MSH

Applying Audience Polling and Team Based Learning in Jefferson Medical College, David S Strayer, MD, PhD and Joanne Filicko-O'Hara, MD

How to Incorporate Global Health into Your Curriculum/Course, Harsh P. Sule, MD and Nicholas Leon, PharmD

Innovative Evaluation Techniques for Students of Health Professions Programs, Christina Truluck, PhD, CNMT, RT(N) and Christine K. Wade, PT