A Multi-Dimensional Framework for Exploring Effective Technology Integration into the Learning Environment


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Instructors at all levels indicate a growing awareness of educational technology and an intention to use technology for teaching. However, a divide exists between adoption and effective integration. The presentation outlines the difference between adopting a technology and integrating a technology. The Concerns Based Adoption Model (CBAM) offers a framework that describes the stages of integration. However, CBAM fails to address the pedagogy plays in integration of technology.

The TPACK (Technology, Pedagagy, and Content Knowledge) framework addresses the important overlap between pedagogy, teaching and subject matter expertise in integration. TPACK; however, does not address the stages of implementation or suggest the key environment conditions that support adoption. The presentation provides an alternative model that draws upon CBAM and TPACK to describe an adoption timeline and key characteristics of integration. The presentation will address factors influencing successful integration at the individual and institutional levels.



1. Identify educational tools used by the faculty community at Thomas Jefferson University.

2. Describe the differences that exist between educational technology adoption and integration.

3. Analyze integration of educational technology tools in one's personal teaching practice.

Presentation: 59:57

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