Benefiting the Community Through Interprofessional Experiential Education
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1. Describe how the Colleges of Nursing and Pharmacy formed a partnership to conduct a needs assessment of a local community organization and develop an interprofessional experiential learning opportunity.
2. Describe an interdisciplinary experiential learning opportunity for nursing and pharmacy students that will benefit a local community organization.
3. Identify lessons learned during early implementation of a Wellness Center at a local community organization.
Presentation: 44:16
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Gerolamo, PhD, APRN, BCPS, Angela; Joseph, MS, RPh, Andrea; Shaffer, EdD, RN, MSN, CNE, Kathryn M.; and Meyer, PharmD, MBA, Gerald, "Benefiting the Community Through Interprofessional Experiential Education" (2016). Thomas Jefferson University Faculty Days. Paper 39.
Despite widespread consensus that students in healthcare disciplines should be educated in an interprofessional environment, educators face barriers imposed by discipline-specific requirements. As a result, educators' innovative ideas for interprofessional learning experiences are sometimes abandoned or not fully realized. This presentation will describe how the Jefferson Colleges of Nursing and Pharmacy leveraged similarities in their respective disciplines to create an experiential learning opportunity for nursing and pharmacy students.
The Colleges of Nursing and Pharmacy faculty partnered to conduct a needs assessment of a local organization that provides healthcare and social services to an underserved population. In collaboration with the organization's leadership, faculty determined that the individual who used the organization's services would benefit from a Wellness Center in which students would provide healthcare screenings and education. This presentation will discuss the partnership between the Colleges and how the Colleges capitalized on similarities between the disciplines to implement a Wellness Center.