1st Annual Digital Teaching Inventory Initiative
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Presentation Date
Presenters in order of appearance:
Audrey Zaplatel, MS, OTR/L (Occupational Therapy) 0:09-2:31
“Foster Discussion in Large Classes with the “Wave”
Jeffrey Klemens, PhD (Biology) 2:33-3:15
“Use Drawing as a Window into Understanding”
Jeff Ashley, PhD (Chemistry, Center for Teaching, Innovation & Nexus Learning) (3:17-4:11)
“Take Pedagogical Risks”
Renee Bollenbach, MSN, RN (Nursing) (4:12-6:29)
“Engage Students with Hands-On Activities”
Les Sztandera, PhD (Computer Information Systems) (6:30-7:57)
“Involve Industry and Community Partners”
Tracey Earland, PhD, OTR/L (Occupational Therapy) (7:58-9:39)
“Frame with “Three Probing Questions”
Anthony Frisby, PhD (Center for Teaching and Learning) (9:40-10:11)
"Enhance Participation with Nearpod"
Kelly Lennen, MS, CT(ASCP) (Medical Laboratory Sciences and Biotechnology) (10:12-11:32)
"Answering Questions with Guiding Questions"
Julie Phillips, PhD (Center for Teaching and Learning) (11:33-12:40)
"Embrace Chaos"
Anne Bower, PhD (Biology) (12:41-13:37)
"Give Learners a Menu"
Recommended Citation
Zapletal, MS, OTR/L, Audrey; Klemens, PhD, Jeffrey; Ashley, PhD, Jeff; Bollenbach, MSN, RN, Renee; Sztandera, PhD, Les; Vause-Earland, PhD, OTR/L, Tracey; Frisby, PhD, Anthony J.; Lennen, MS, CT(ASCP), Kelly; Phillips, PhD, Julie; and Bower, PhD, Anne, "1st Annual Digital Teaching Inventory Initiative" (2017). Thomas Jefferson University Faculty Days. Paper 52.