Addressing Pain in Older Adults Through an Interprofessional Lens


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Evidence shows that managing chronic non-cancer pain (CNCP) in primary care is challenging and needs improvement. Too many older adults are living in pain and this leads to a variety of poor health outcomes. Inter-professional Education (IPE) is recognized by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) as an important approach to improving pain management. This session provides an overview of a pilot research study and simulation learning experience that evaluated the effectiveness of an inter-professional pain education intervention on health care provider knowledge and attitudes regarding pain assessment and treatment. Participants completed the "Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain" (KASPR) before the educational program and within two weeks after the program. The simulation experience was based on the NIH "Edna Case." Results of the pilot study will be presented in addition to learner and faculty feedback on the inter-professional simulation experience.



1. Describe the benefits of IPE for improving pain management in community health/primary care of older adults.

2. Appraise the challenges involved in managing pain in the community setting.

3. Describe the barriers and facilitators to IPE in an academic and clinical practice setting.

Presentation: 29:14

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