Public Health in Undergraduate Medical Education—An Innovative Four-Year Area of Concentration

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The development of programmatic tracks providing students with academic opportunities outside of the traditional medical curriculum represents a national trend in medical education. With five-year HRSA funding, TJUSKMC created a four year longitudinal area of concentration in Population Health. Key components include:

Year 1 – enhanced population health components of Introduction to Clinical Medicine, community immersions Summer – population health related programs locally and globally

Year 2 – case studies linked to Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine applying social and behavioral foundations of Public Health

Year 3 – enhanced clerkship experiences

Year 4 – community-based electives and completion of a Capstone Project.

Five cohorts (180 students) have entered the program with benefits including a certificate upon program completion, recognition in Dean’s letters, and 15 credits applied to the Jefferson MPH program. A description of the program will be presented along with characteristics of enrolled students, implementation, evaluation, and sustainability plans in the SKMC’s Second Centennial Curriculum.


Participants viewing this poster should be able to:

1. Organize an approach to integrating population health content into a health professional curriculum.

2. Apply a methodology to recruit students into an area of concentration in population health.

3. Identify the challenges inherent in curricular reform and innovation.

This document is currently not available here.
