Incorporation and evaluation of student professionalism relative to accreditation standards


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Professionalism is defined as the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or professional person and includes the ethical and legal parameters of a profession, the behaviors and values of members of a profession, and the responsibilities of a profession to patients, society, and others. Professionalism is an implicit expectation of health professionals and health professional students that is taught by faculty members and preceptors in clinical education experiences through direct instruction, modeling, and ideally, coaching and facilitating. Accreditation standards for schools of medicine, nursing, occupational therapy, pharmacy, and physical therapy include explicit language regarding the development of professionalism in their graduates. It can be challenging to teach professionalism to healthcare professional students and to provide evidence of student professionalism to accrediting bodies. In this panel discussion, Jefferson faculty members will discuss how student professionalism is incorporated and evaluated in their respective programs relative to accreditation standards.


After participating in this session, participants should be able to:

1. Describe examples of how professionalism is incorporated and evaluated in different schools at Thomas Jefferson University relative to the accreditation standards of each respective program.

2. Create or identify new approaches to evaluating student professionalism and demonstrating student professionalism to accreditors.

3. State how these methods/approaches could be incorporated within their own courses or curriculum.

Presentation: 34 minutes

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