Entrustable Professional Activities in Medical Education


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The use of Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA) is an emerging concept in medical education that endeavors to link competency-based medical education to clinical practice. EPAs are units of professional work that can be observed and, ultimately, entrusted to the learner. Undergraduate and graduate medical education models define a number of competencies and subcompetencies for training. These descriptions of competency are valuable; however, the number of competencies, sub-competencies, and milestones can be overwhelming for both the educator and the learner. EPAs meet his challenge by allowing the evaluation of competency through observational assessment of the work of an individual. EPAs are outcome based, integrate the competencies, and are not time fixed. EPAs allow medical education to focus on appropriately chosen tasks that can indicate that the learner has attained various competencies and reached various milestones.



1. Understand the evolution of competency-based medical education.

2. Explain the concept of Entrustable Professional Activities and how this concept links to Competency-Based Medical Education.

3. Apply the concept of Entrustable Professional Activities to training activities in one's specialty of area of instruction.

Presentation: 55:13

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