Full-text theses and dissertations from students across all Jefferson Colleges and Schools.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Strategic Enforcement: A Shift from Analytic to Systemic Thinking and Strategy, Raul Virella
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Soft System Methodology Applied to Stakeholder Engagement in Social Services Nonprofit Organizations, Robyn Chin
Food Insecurity in the Working Poor, Carol L. Haines
Redesigning Athlete Leadership, Derek Hunsberger
Designing a Digital Employee Experience for Research Administration Using a Sequential Mixed-Methods Approach, Michael A. Jones
Understanding and Application of Systems Thinking to Diversity Challenges at Higher Education Institutions, Odell Jones
Respiratory Therapy Staff Retention: A Systems Thinking Approach, Jerin G. Juby
Assessing the Patient Experience Evaluation Methodology: A Review of the HCAHPS Survey and Related Processes, Michael Molta
Transitioning Residents Out of Public Housing, William Franklin Myles
The New Jersey Fee-For-Service Model: Evidence of Social Entrepreneurship in a New Public/ Private Business Relationship, Christine Wiltsee
An Analytic and Systemic View of the Digital Transformation of Healthcare, Xuejuan J. Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Applying a Systems-Thinking Approach to Developing Resiliency in Muslim Nonprofit Organizations, Hamid Bertal
Redesigning the Information Technology Infrastructure Sales Engineering Process, Andrew Braverman
Metamodern Strategy: A System Of Multi-Ontological Sense Making, Eugene Louis de Klerk
Evaluating the Performance of Sector Mutual Funds, Syed A. Kazmi
How May Executive Coaches Advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Organizations?, Anne McCafferty
Ideal Design for Emergence of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Community Health Engagement Using Systems Thinking, Sung-Won Paek
Meeting Mode Effects On Quality And Effectiveness With Clients And Sales Teams Utilizing Consumer Idealized Design, Mark L. Pisacane
A Systemic Model To Augment Consulting Competencies For Success In a Remote And Multicultural Work Environment, Sagar Sharma
Rethinking Human Resources Management In A Complex Context: Proposing Systemic Human Resources Management (SYS HRM), Regina Tendayi
Identity, Transition, And High-Performing Veterans, Teresa B. Wolfgang
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Spirituality and Opioid Addiction Recovery, Carol A. Ammon, MSN, MBA, DNP; Stacey Boyer, PsyD; Stephen Dutton, MDiv, PD; and Courtney Slater, PhD
Designing a Program to Help Urban Pastors Cope With Compassion Stress, Valerie Andrews
An Inclusive Leadership Model to Integrate Organizational Dynamics, Change Management, Change Leadership, and Diversity and Inclusion Needs for the Successful Implementation of Business Transformations, Jarrod A. Combs-Harris
System View of the Talent Gap in the Commercial Property and Casualty Insurance Sector: A Pre-Mortem, Bibi R. Khan
Innovative, Social Organic - Alternative Business Model, Paul Thomas Raison, Jr.
A Systems Thinking Approach to Formulating the Problem of Military Sexual Trauma Among Black Female Veterans, Paula Smith-Benson
A Systems Approach to Student Loan Default, David J. Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
A Systematic Approach to Big Data Analysis in Cataract Patients In Telangana State, India, Amna Alalawi
Faculty Management: An Examination of the Dual Role of Faculty as Managers in Higher Education, Rume J. Azikiwe
Current Practices, Perceptions and Challenges of Telehealth in the Treatment of Mental Health in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, James E. Plummer
Interactive Planning: An Applied Systems Thinking Approach from the Perspective of a Participant-Observer, Pamela R. Tull
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Effectiveness of Clery Act Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications, Travis W. Douglas
Understanding Indian Interior Design Education: From the Indian Design Professionals' Perspective, Darshi Mody
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
A Hybrid Holistic Thinking Approach for Resetting the Seabrook Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), Michael K. Asada
Re-Envisioning Talent Management for the 4th Industrial Revolution: A Systems and Design Thinking Intervention, Adena E. Johnston
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Investigate gene expression responses of a regenerative rat liver model using a partial hepatectomy method, Tracee L. Popielarczyk
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Characterizing the Dynamics and Functional Role of Site-Specific Phosphorylation of G Protein-Coupled Receptors, John M. Busillo
Capillary Electrophoresis Used As An Alternative to HPLC For Pharmaceutical Analysis of Antifungal Agents, Christopher N. Lechnou
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Role of Immunodominant T Cell Responses to Minor Histocompatibility Antigens in a Mouse Model of Graft-Versus-Host Disease, Marc Adam Berger, B.S. Thomas Jefferson University