Document Type
Publication Date
Summer 1993
Jefferson Alumni Bulletin – Volume XLII, Number 4, Summer 1993
The development of surgery for heart disease, page 6
Refining the heart-lung machine, page 9
Training surgical residents, page 10
Counseling in family medicine, page 10
Volunteer care in Swaziland, page 10
Paleoradiology of the prehistoric Australian aborigines, page 11
Vaccine therapy of melanoma, page 12
Biliary radiology and T tube design, page 13
Familial patterns of ovarian carcinoma, page 15
The importance of treating diabetic retinopathy, page 16
Investigators identify key protein causing heart muscle damage after heart attack, page 18
Croce wins Mott Prize, page 19
Westermark given first black prize, page 20
Dean’s medal to Dr. Moon, page 20
Bacharach, Wellenbach honored with portraits, page 22
Inaugural brucker lecture delivered by Pellegrino, page 23
Class notes, page 27
Annual giving report, page 29
Recommended Citation
"Jefferson Alumni Bulletin – Volume XLII, Number 4, Summer 1993" (1993). The Bulletin (formerly the Jefferson Medical College Alumni Bulletin). Paper 224.
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