Document Type
Publication Date
Fall 1993
Jefferson Alumni Bulletin – Volume XLII, Number 1, Fall 1993
House staff receive a comprehensive preparation, page 2
Rectal cancer management arrives on the threshold of synergy with basic research, page 6
Fry is the first marks professor, page 8
Funding completed for the kind professorship, page 9
Bibbo is the first Lang professor, page 10
Institute for dermatopathology, page 11
Joslin center for diabetes, page 11
$54 million in awards in 1993, page 12
Blood substitute is refined, page 12
Study suggests site of alcohol and anesthesia action, page 13
Computers assist drug design, page 13
Clinton aide discusses health care reform, page 14
Portrait exhibited in London, page 15
Class notes, page 21
Books, page 25
Recommended Citation
"Jefferson Alumni Bulletin – Volume XLII, Number 1, Fall 1993" (1993). The Bulletin (formerly the Jefferson Medical College Alumni Bulletin). Paper 225.
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