Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 1993
Jefferson Alumni Bulletin – Volume XLII, Number 3, Spring 1993
Genetic factors behind behavioral disorder are at the center of department research, page 2
Baldwin L. Keyes, ’17: A career through many countries, battles, and specialties, page 5
Baldwin L. Keyes, ’17: A chairman who taught by personal example, page 7
Committee provides guidance on ethical issues that underlie clinical cases, page 9
John E. Deitrick, M.D.: Early appraiser of medical education, page 12
Scientists link nitric oxide to brain damage in neurologic viral diseases, page 14
Study shows Jefferson succeeds in training rural physicians, page 15
Students help organize international day, parent’s day, and a ceremony honoring humanity gifts, page 20
Leonard Apt, ’45 receives Escalon science award and UCLA Faculty award, page 25
Richard P. Wenzel, ’65 and Howard B. Cotler, ’79 publish major texts, page 32
Recommended Citation
"Jefferson Alumni Bulletin – Volume XLII, Number 3, Spring 1993" (1993). The Bulletin (formerly the Jefferson Medical College Alumni Bulletin). Paper 223.
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