Document Type


Publication Date


Academic Year



Purpose: There are currently gaps in breastfeeding education for OB/GYN and Family Medicine residents, consequently affecting their confidence in this area of patient care. To address this issue, we are conducting an analysis of the efficacy of the current curriculum to highlight areas for future improvement.

Methods: PGY1-4 residents in the departments of Family Medicine (FM) and Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN) completed a pre-test before their required annual breastfeeding education on August 6, 2020. We used a validated pre-test from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) which included items assessing the training. Learners self-selected one of two didactic sessions: in person training with a facilitator and models present, or remote training via video conference with a facilitator present. Learners were asked to complete a voluntary, modified post-assessment four months after the training. This survey was based on the AAP post-test and modified to assess learner satisfaction. We plan to perform a comparative analysis on matched pre- and post-test scores to assess efficacy of the current curriculum.

Results and Conclusions: Data collection for this study is ongoing; 28 learners (14 FM, 14 OB/GYN) completed pre-test assessment before the training, and seven post-test responses (25% response rate) have been collected, remaining responses and analysis pending. We anticipate that comparing matched pre- and post-test scores on knowledge-based items will allow us to gauge the effectiveness of the current curriculum, and resident responses to items regarding satisfaction will help identify problem areas and potential for improvement in curricular design.


