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Academic Year



Purpose: One way to address healthcare disparities experienced by the transgender community is by educating medical students on trans health. Currently, there is not a universal LGBTQ+ curriculum in medical schools, which has resulted in students feeling incompetent and uncomfortable when treating transgender patients. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the current trans health content in JeffMD and remedy any curricular gaps with trans specific content.

Methods: The trans content in JeffMD was identified using a Keyword Search tool, One45 and lecture notes. A survey distributed to all Thomas Jefferson healthcare students regarding their attitudes and knowledge surrounding trans healthcare was used as a framework for developing curricular additions. The learner population is first and second year medical students.

Results and Conclusions: The curricular search revealed that there are three lectures during Phase 1 that focus on transgender healthcare. This curricular search showed that JeffMD has an adequate amount of trans specific content especially in the health systems science thread but trans health considerations in other threads are lacking. The survey showed that 86% of students reported being interested in learning more about gender-related healthcare issues. It also showed that students prefer to learn via clinical skills sessions, patient panels, and lectures. Therefore, the focus of curricular additions was adding trans content to pre-existing clinical medicine and pharmacology lectures along with clinical skills sessions. The goal of these curricular additions is to normalize trans healthcare and prepare medical students for their future interactions with trans patients.


