Women Authors in Medicine: A Gender Based Study on Authorship Opportunities and its Implications in Promotions in Medicine

Women Authors in Medicine: A Gender Based Study on Authorship Opportunities and its Implications in Promotions in Medicine


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Obtaining first authorship in research and published papers is widely held as grounds for promotions and advancements in the medical field. However, the opportunities to be involved in research and to have the primary authorship position are not equally divided amongst specialties, including primary care. Women physicians are becoming a greater percentage of the workforce in primary care, including Internal Medicine and the potential lack of opportunity for authorship may disproportionately affect their promotion. This poster presents the preliminary research on an investigation into the Indiana University School of Medicine’s Department of Medicine gender authorship profiles in the last five years. By utilizing the search engine scopus, a database of the papers written by physicians was created, and gender identifications of the first, second, and last author was made to find correlations between gender and authorship positions. These results will be used to make a case for reexamining the qualifications for promotions, and ensuring that genders have equal opportunity for job advancement and leadership in the medical field.

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Women Authors in Medicine: A Gender Based Study on Authorship Opportunities and its Implications in Promotions in Medicine
