One Institution’s Multidisciplinary Approach to Integrating Education of Gender Minority Health into Medical Curricula

One Institution’s Multidisciplinary Approach to Integrating Education of Gender Minority Health into Medical Curricula


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Background: Compared to the general population, transgender and gender diverse (TGD) individuals have poorer health outcomes and experience greater healthcare barriers. Current literature describes these inequities as directly related to a lack of provider knowledge and inexperience interacting with TGD people. A preliminary review of our institution’s preclinical curriculum demonstrated content geared mostly toward modifying attitudes via reflective exercises and patient panels. In order to increase the breadth of our curriculum, we developed a multidimensional approach that specifically assesses and enhances provider knowledge, and offers clinical opportunities for learners to meaningfully engage with TGD individuals.

Objectives: To develop a curriculum that trains future physicians to provide gender affrming, patient-centered care for TGD patients.

Methods: To assess for and characterize gaps in TGD curriculum among medical students, we surveyed our institution’s curriculum using a key-word driven map, the findings of which are informing conversation and inspiring necessary reform. To enhance TGD knowledge among residents, we are working alongside the Pediatrics and OB/GYN residency programs to develop a standardized curriculum that offers field-specific training on navigating conversations regarding sex and gender. The efficacy of these training sessions will be evaluated using pre- and post-survey responses, which will inform future training sessions. To increase exposure and opportunities to provide care for TGD patients along the continuum of medical education, we expanded services at our student-run free clinic, developed a clinical elective, and are integrating experiences into the OB/GYN core clerkship.

Impact: Here, we lay the framework for how one institution is characterizing gaps in education and integrating TGD health topics longitudinally across undergraduate and graduate medical education curricula. This work has the potential to impact curriculum development initiatives at other institutions seeking to better prepare their learners to care for TGD patients.

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One Institution’s Multidisciplinary Approach to Integrating Education of Gender Minority Health into Medical Curricula
