Finding a Home: Recognizing the Need for Sex and Gender-Based Medicine Instruction at WMed

Finding a Home: Recognizing the Need for Sex and Gender-Based Medicine Instruction at WMed


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Sex- and Gender-Based Medicine (SGBM) is a field that explores the impact of sex as a biological variable and gender as a sociocultural variable on health an illness in all patients. We are arguing that SGBM has been consistently overlooked as an important part of medical education and individualized patient care, contributing to the invisibility of women and gender-nonconforming individuals in medical education, research, and healthcare. Our poster will present the steps taken to introduce SGBM into the curriculum at Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine (WMed) as well as some challenges that WMed and other schools may face in the process. Critical steps include matching SGBM concepts to LCME requirements (“Hot Topics”), faculty and administrative endorsement, and positioning into medical students’ curriculum schedules. A sample lesson plan and recommended resources are outlined as a template to assist other schools in creating or improving upon their own SGBM instructional materials. We also discuss possible ways to improve SGBM curricula, based upon our experiences with the course and methods used to introduce SGBM concepts to additional medical students.

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Sex and Gender Based Medicine, medical education, instruction, SGBM, integration, curriculum

Finding a Home: Recognizing the Need for Sex and Gender-Based Medicine Instruction at WMed
