"Healthcare’s New Diagnosis: Poverty (Z59.5) A Standard of Care to Trea" by MJ Osmick, MD, Marcella Wilson, PhD et al.

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MJ Osmick, MD
Physician and Clinical Consultant

Mary Jane Osmick MD is a physician consultant with extensive experience in leading vendor, provider, employer and health plan businesses with the goal of improving the health of populations served. As an executive physician, she focuses on helps to design systems of care that support health risk reduction, chronic health condition control, wellbeing support and disease prevention, as well as on quality management and accreditation of systems in place. A special area of interest includes working with organizations, as well as teaching closing gaps on health equity and social determinants of health. She serves in peer review of research articles related to population health and speaks nationally on related subjects. Dr. Osmick has served as a board member of Population Health Alliance since 2016, and from 2018 through 2019 led the Quality and Research Committee that developed and published an extensive primer on taking action in social determinants of health. She also serves as a clinical advisor for a health technology company.

Marcella Wilson, PhD
CEO and Founder, Transition To Success™, LLC

Marcella Wilson, Ph.D., has over 30 years of extensive experience in healthcare administration, not-for-profit management, behavioral health, criminal justice and public sector programming. Dr. Wilson, a University of Michigan alumnus holds a Master's degree in Social Work and a Ph.D. in Health and Higher Education. Dr. Wilson is an Emmy Award winner for the “What Are You Fighting For” documentary promoting youth volunteerism. In her role as President and Founder of Transition to Success™, Wilson is leading a national social change movement with a standard of care to treat poverty as an environmentally based medical condition and not a character flaw. Dr. Wilson’s book, “Diagnosis: Poverty”, defines a scalable, sustainable, measurable, multi-generational response to poverty an approach being implemented around the country and recognized as a Clinton Global Initiative.

Today, with statistically significant outcomes in 5 independent evaluations, Transition to Success®, defines uniform protocols and analytics to treat poverty across human services, healthcare, education, government and faith-based programs.

Mitchell A. Kaminski, MD, MBA
Program Director, Population Health, Jefferson College of Population Health

Dr. Kaminski is a family physician who has combined clinical practice and teaching with a career in healthcare leadership that has included private groups, hospital systems, and academic institutions. Previously he served as Chief Clinical Officer at the Delaware Valley ACO, helping to develop the clinical strategy and teams in one of the country’s largest ACOs. He has continued to teach and care for patients part-time, most recently at the Jefferson Department of Family and Community Medicine. He embraces the complex challenges of our transforming national and regional healthcare systems and brings front-line perspectives to his leadership positions.


More than a decade ago, Dr. Marcella Wilson took over a failing charity, and recognized two frequently opposing paradigms for addressing poverty: everyone had good intentions, but a “character flaw” mentality infused their efforts. Unlike other public health challenges, there was lack of a “science of poverty.” Join us for a joint presentation with Drs. Wilson, Osmick, and Kaminski about the evolving science of poverty, and how that knowledge can be applied to address poverty as a core social determinant of health to strive for healthier populations.

The Population Health Alliance is the only national professional and trade association dedicated solely to population health. PHA supports our members and the industry through education, networking, and representing the voice of population health in health policy.

Join PHA today by reaching out to staff@populationhealthalliance.org.

Presentation: 1:00:44


