"Outcomes of Third-Year Pharmacy Students Using Technology for Instruct" by Joanna Headley, PharmD, Candidate 2015, Bhavik Shah, PharmD, BCPS, AAHIVP et al.

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  • The use of technology both inside and outside the classroom is integral to the facilitation of pharmacy students’ learning.1

  • Technology is allowing education to restructure classroom time for something other than simple transmission of factual information and to adopt an evidence-based approach to instructional innovation and reform.1

  • Pharmacy colleges and schools should incorporate technologies that students frequently use and that positively impact learning.2

  • Limited assessment of the impact of technology on student performance is available including teaching and learning from peers.1,2

  • An infectious diseases elective course developed at the Jefferson School of Pharmacy incorporated the use of contemporary technology to facilitate student learning and peer-generated instruction.
