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OBJECTIVE: We sought a shortened MOTHER neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) and Finnegan score that would retain comparable performance characteristics of the full instrument.
STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective cohort.
RESULTS: In total, 124,170 MOTHER NAS scores between August 2007 and May 2016 from 775 infants (≥36 weeks) were examined. Classification and regression tree model identified the most important subsets of the scored variables. A 9-element shortened scale yielded >90% sensitivity and specificity to predict clinical endpoints based on the full 19-element MOTHER NAS score. Conversion of the data sets to the Finnegan score, and applying the same procedure resulted in a nine-element score with similar performance characteristics.
CONCLUSION: Shortened scoring instruments were identified with the high-predictive power for clinical endpoints based on the 19-element full MOTHER NAS score. There was no substantial variation in performance for age, supporting the current practice of utilizing a single scoring tool regardless of postnatal age.
Recommended Citation
Chervoneva, I.; Adeniyi-Jones, S. C.; Blanco, F.; and Kraft, W. K., "Development of an abbreviated symptom score for the neonatal abstinence syndrome." (2020). Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Faculty Papers. Paper 138.
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