Master of Public Health Thesis and Capstone Presentations | JCPH Capstone Presentations | Thomas Jefferson University

Public Health is an interdisciplinary field of study and practice with three primary goals: address pressing and emerging threats to health and well-being; prevent illness, disease and injury; and promote and protect human health.

In achieving these goals, public health emphasizes social justice, supports human rights and respects the dignity of individuals and the integrity of communities.

The Jefferson College of Population Health (JCPH) offers a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree, which is nationally accredited through the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). Students develop competencies in several key public health areas: health behavior and social sciences, biostatistics, environmental health, epidemiology, policy and advocacy, program planning, implementation and evaluation, and others. The interdisciplinary curriculum stresses leadership skills, systems thinking, health communication, global health, and cultural humility and competency.

Learn more about the program here.


Submissions from 2021


The Future of Opioid Prescribing: Implementation of a Virtual Opioid & Pain Management Module for Medical Students, Jenna Adalbert


Postpartum in a Pandemic: Using Photo-elicitation to Explore Experiences of New Mothers During COVID-19, Elizabeth Critchlow


Effective Support for the Siblings of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A rapid systematic review, Yuri Matsubara, MD


Patient-Centered Pathology Report: Rapid Review, Eric Steimetz, MD

Submissions from 2020


Trends of Traffic-Related Injuries Treated Across a Jefferson Health Trauma Center, Masihuddin Ahmed


A Qualitative Analysis of the Entertainment-Education Campaign “Girlsplained”, Adrea Cope and Amy Henderson Riley, DrPH, CHES


Association Between Air Quality and Childhood Asthma Prevalence in Urban Areas in the United States, Mallory Haas, BSN, RN, CCRN


Human Trafficking Legal Service Providers Respond to COVID-19, Jessica Hughes and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


What Are the Negative Health Effects Associated with Skin Bleaching in West African Countries?, Thioro Ndoye


Recommendations to Decrease COVID19 Transmission to Anesthesia and ICU Team Members, Eleni Papanikolaou


Immigration as a Public Health Competency; Results and Implications from a Survey Following La Casita Rosa, a Social Impact Film, Ingrid Piovanetti-Rivera and Amy Henderson Riley, DrPH


Neighborhood Availability of Quality Early Care and Learning Centers and Childhood Overweight/Obesity in Philadelphia, PA, Jasmine Sweeting


Examining Medical School Leadership’s Response to the Killing of George Floyd Using Critical Race Theory, Chanelle Campbell MS, OMS-II, MPH(C) and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


COVID-19 and Individuals Living with Cardiovascular Disease: A Rapid Review, Nicole Portman and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


The Efficacy of Mobile Health Applications as Interventions in Overweight and Obese Adults in the United States., Niki Elahi; Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH; and Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH


Examining Culture and Mental Health Services Utilization among Indians: A Rapid Systematic Review, Shivani Ramolia, MPH(c); Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH; and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


Confronting consistent trauma: Improving children's mental health in areas of conflict, Yazeed Shamieh, MPH(c); Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH; and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


The Impact of Patient-Physician Racial Concordance on Medication Adherence in the Hypertensive Patient Population, Margaret Anwar, MPH(c); Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH; and Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH


Impact of COVID 19 on Telehealth- A Rapid Review, Sahil Panyda and Kristin Rising Rising, MD, MSHP


Investigating the efficacy of insecticide-treated window screens and eaves against malaria-carrying mosquitoes, Beverly I. Anaele, MPH(c); Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH; and Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH


Understanding Why Patients Utilize the Emergency Department for Nonurgent Reasons: Implications for Primary Care, Goundo Coulibaly; Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH; and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


Effective interventions for mental health disorders in child migrants: A rapid systematic review, Avery Cox, MPH(c) and Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH


Interventions to reduce HIV stigma among black men who have sex with men (MSM), Jada Davis, MPH(c) and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


Exploring Healthcare Providers' Biases, Stigmas, and Gaps in Care When Treating Sexual Violence Victims, Cierrah Doran; Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH; and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


Exploring the efficacy of patient-centered care interventions given to informal caregivers of dementia patients, Alexandra Greulich; Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH; and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in Healthcare- and Community-Associated Clostridium difficile Infection: A Rapid Review, Rutvin Kyada; Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH; and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


The effectiveness of housing programs for individuals with criminal justice history: A systematic review, Rachel Mosca; Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH; and Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH


Effects of Culture and Acculturation on End-of-Life Planning in Asian Immigrants, Binjil Mupo, MPH(c); Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH; and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


Efficacy of housing models for people in recovery: Impacts on sobriety outcomes and housing stability, Sarah Marie Pinard, MSS, MPH(c); Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH; and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


Investigating the Effectiveness of Telehealth as an Intervention to Supplement Traditional Care of Cardiovascular Disease, Andrew Rahe; Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH; and Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH


The effect of mental health stigma on helping-seeking behavior amongst undergraduate university students, Olivia R. Siciliano, MPH(c); Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH; and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


Modifications in Cognitive Interventions for Geriatric Individuals with Vision Impairments to Improve Quality of Life, Jacquelyn Smith, MS, MPH(c); Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH; and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


Effect and Impact of Mandatory Protective Eyewear in Youth Sports, Rachel Song; Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH; and Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH


Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems Marketing and its Potential Targeting Towards Adolescents, Thuongvu Tran, MPH(c) and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


Do Diabetic Retinopathy Telehealth Programs Improve Patient Outcomes?, Gabrielle Tull, MPH(c); Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH; and Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH


Risk Factors For Incurable Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis, Karan Varshney; Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH; and Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH


Disparities in 30-day readmission after general surgery, Iordanis Zakopoulos, MD, MPH(c); Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH; and Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH


The Impact of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Treatments on Patient Falls and Mobility: A Systematic Review, Hannah Garrigan, MD/MPH(c); Jacquelyn Hamati, MD/MPH(c); Parth Lalakia, MPH; Brooke Salzman, MD; Leslie Hyman, PhD; and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


Intubation Training During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Daniel Casey, DO, MPH; Anna Rabinowitz, MD; and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


How do Public Health Programs Adapts in Real Time During a Global Pandemic? The Impact of COVID-19 on a Youth Refugee Mental Health Program, Asha Chintala, MPH; Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH; and Amy H. Riley, DrPH


Jefferson Tobacco Climate Survey: Examining Student Perspectives to Guide Messaging and Policy Recommendations, Jeremiah Davis, MD/MPH(c) and Russell McIntire, PhD


Telehealth Use in Oncology: Patient Perspectives on Video Visits, Rachel Granberg, MD/MPH(c); Arianna Heyer, MD/MPH(c); Adam Binder, MD; Nathan Handley, MD, MPH; Alexzandra Gentsch, MSW; Kristin Rising, MD, MSHP; and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


Sexual Health: What Public Health Professionals Need to Know, Sarah Hay, DO, MPH(c) and Rosemary Frasso


Telehealth Use in Oncology: Provider Perspectives on Video Visits, Arianna Heyer, MD/MPH(c); Kristin Rising, MD, MSHP; Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH; Rachel Granberg, MD, MPH`; Adam Binder, MD; Nathan Handley, MD, MBA; and Alexzandra Gentsch, MSW


Sleep Deprivation as a Treatment for Depression: Comparison of mood ratings and improving prediction of treatment response, Nathan Hoff, MD/MPH; Philip R. Gehrman, PhD, CBSM; and Brandon George, PhD, MS


Tiny or Tall, Mighty or Small, Music for All!: Developing an Interactive Online Storybook to Promote Body Positivity in Children, MariaLisa Itzoe, DO/MPH(c) and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


Time to Relapse after Epilepsy Surgery as a Predictor of Future Seizures, David A. Klodowski, MD(c), MPH(c); Brandon George, PhD, MS; and Michael Sperling, MD


Telemedicine: What Patients Need to Know, Anna P. Nelson, MPH(c) and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


A Retrospective Case-Series Study on Sacral Nerve Stimulation Placement for Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction Among the Pediatric Population, Elizabeth Redman, MPH(c), RDN, LDN, CNSC; Jennifer Hagerty, DO; and John McAna, Phd, MA


Fostering Feedback: Using Focus Groups to Develop a Standardized Foster Parent Training Curriculum, Vanessa Thiel, MD-MPH(c); Stephen DiDonato, PhD, LPC, NCC; Rosemary Frass Frasso, PhD, CPH; and Rebekah Phillips, MS


Reflections from Graduating Medical Students: A Photo-Elicitation Study, Robert Wilson, MD, MPH(c) and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH


Evaluation of a Human Trafficking Educational Intervention at Thomas Jefferson University for Public Health Students, Princess Adu-Beko and Colin Plover, PhD, MSN, MPH, MSN-RN-BC


Peer Education to Promote HPV Vaccine Uptake in Philly Teens, Riva Bindra and Amy Leader, DrPH, MPH


Challenges, Barriers, and Needs of Life with Hepatitis B: A Qualitative Study, Sean Farrell; Rosemary Frasso, PhD, CPH; and Catherine Freeland, MPH


The Role of the Obstetrician/Gynecologist in the Promotion of Childhood Vaccinations: A Rapid Systematic Review, Rosemary Iriowen, MD and Martha Romney


Regional Needs and Barriers of Hepatitis Delta (HDV) Patients and Their Caregivers: A Qualitative Analysis of Hepatitis B Foundation Queries, Priyanka Kumar; Catherine Freeland, MPH; and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, MSc, CPH


Mental Health Interventions for U.S. Women in Prison: A Rapid Review, Brendan Richter and Martha Romney, JD, MPH, MS, RN, BSN


Predictors of Youth Suicide: A U.S. Survey, Simal Thind, MD and Brandon George, PhD, MS


Characteristics of Continuous EEG Programs in the Critical Care Setting, Adam Zimilover; Andres Fernandez, MD, MSEd; Rosemary Frasso, PhD; and Ellen McQuaid, MPH


Congestive Heart Failure: The Danger of Medical Jargon, Yoni Zuckerman and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, MSc, CPH

Submissions from 2019


Building & Sustaining Paternal Engagement for Children Living in Poverty, Lisa Armstrong, MSS, LSW and Rosemary Frasso, PhD


Legionella: A Policy Analysis for Existing Water Management Programs, Lauren Connor; Colin Plover, PhD; and Rosemary Frasso, PhD


Experiential Learning Enrichment for Master of Public Health Students, Nichole M. Holmes and Rosemary Frasso, PhD


A Proposal to Support the Categorization of Noma as a Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) by the World Health Organization (WHO), Desmond McCaffery; Rosemary Frasso, PhD; and Colin Plover, PhD


“I Have to Think on my Feet a lot”: How JCPH Faculty Manage Difficult Conversations in the Classroom, Laura Slifer; Amy Henderson Riley, DrPH; and Rosemary Frasso, PhD


A Design Thinking Educational Intervention to Augment Public Health Training, Sylvie Abookire; Bon Ku, MD; Rosemary Frasso, PhD; and Colin Plover, PhD


Breaking the Cycle of Addiction: Post Event Intervention Strategies, Alexander J. Baukus; Colin Plover, PhD; and John McAna, PhD


Participant Experiences with the American Registry for Migraine Research: A Qualitative Study, Izabella D'Onofrio; Rosemary Frasso, PhD, MSc, CPH; and Anna Quinn, MPH


Learning From Past Mistakes – Opioids, Cannabis and the Treatment of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain Conditions, Joseph Flaxer; Marianna LaNoue, PhD; and Mitchell Cohen, MD


Methodology to Assess Diaper Changing Station Access in Philadelphia Restaurants: Pilot Study, Nishant Pandya; Russell McIntire, PhD,MPH; and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, MSc, CPH


Human Trafficking: A Curriculum for Public Health Students, Megan Rankel; Rosemary Frasso, PhD, MSc, CPH; and John F. McAna, PhD


Assessment, Improvement, and Website Development of the Philadelphia Department of Prisons Discharge Packet, Emylie Rosenbaum and Colin Plover, PhD


Adolescent Depression Treatment in Primary Care: A Systematic Review, Brianna Williams and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, MSc, CPH


The Health and Healthy Behaviors Program at Siraba School in Mali, Kathryn Beirne; Rosemary Frasso, PhD, MSc, CPH; and John McAna, PhD


A Pilot Study to Assess Pharmacy Students’ Experiences With Naloxone, Katherine Cambareri; Rosemary Frasso, PhD, MSc, CPH; and Vittorio Maio, PharmD, MS, MSPH


Promoting Social Inclusion Through an Arts Based Curriculum: A Mural Arts Initiative, Talia Charidah and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, MSc, CPH


Barriers to Surgical Care at a Tertiary Referral Hospital in Kigali, Rwanda, Myles Dworkin; Rosemary Frasso, PhD, MSc, CPH; and Jennifer Rickard


Perceptions of pregnant women about influenza vaccine: What do we know?, Violetta Gerzen Feshchenko and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, MSc, CPH


Concussion Treatment in Youth Seen in an Emergency Department Setting, Kathleen Jarrell; Stanton Miller, MD, MPH, FACS; Venkata Masarapu, MD; Emanuel Okolo; Chol Kuoiloi, MPH; and Megan Carney


Influenza Immunization among College Students and the Barriers to Vaccination, Ellen McQuaid and Jillian Baker, DPH, EdM


TJU Graduate Students’ Perspectives on Work-Life Balance: A Photo-Elicitation Study, Pamela Myers; Madalene Zale, MPH; Violetta Gerzen; Amy Henderson Riley, DrPH; and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, MSc, CPH


Identifying Cold Spots within the Jefferson Catchment Area: A Geospatial Community Health Profile, Thomas Nowlan and Russell K. McIntire, PhD,MPH


Addressing Stalking In The United States: A Policy Analysis, Courtney Riseborough and M. Romney, RN,MS,JD,MPH


The Effects of Natural Disasters on Dialysis Patients and the Implications for Emergency Planning: A Systematic Review, Rashida Smith and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, MSc, CPH


Social Capital and the Self-Efficacy of Performing Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Skills, Robert Zucker and Russell K. McIntire, PhD,MPH

Submissions from 2018


Closing the Gaps in Missed Opportunities: Role of the Emergency Department in Implementing Public Health Programs, Jillian Benedetti, MPHc; Priya Mammen, MD, MPH; and Madalene Zale, MPH


Do Early Interventions Reduce Long-Term Effects of Concussions in the Pediatric Population? A Systematic Review, Sarah Carrante, MS, MPHc and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, MSc, CPH


The Association Between Tobacco Retailers’ Proximity and Park Patrons’ Smoking Behavior in Three Philadelphia Parks, Danny Cheong, MPHc, BS and Russell K. McIntire, PhD, MPH


Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Training for TJUH Trauma Staff, Brittany Christaldi, MPHc and John McAna, PhD


Exploring the Jefferson Healthcare Community’s Perceptions and Knowledge of Electronic Cigarette Health Impacts, Josephine Hwang, MDc, MPHc


Bridging the Communication Gap: Training Health Care Providers on How to Discuss STI Prevention and Sexual Health with Patients 50 and Older, Jessica Jewusiak, MPHc and Jillian Baker, DPH, EdM


Exercise Science: What Public Health Professionals Need to Know, Benjamin Johnson, CSCS, MPHc


Knowledge, Perceptions, and Social Influences of Smokeless Tobacco Use in Collegiate Male Athletes, Nicole LaRatta, MPHc; Amy Leader. DPH, MPH; and Catherine van de Ruit


Improving Access in Kidney Transplant Allocation in the United States, Lorena P. Lopez Solano, MPHc and Martha C. Romney, RN, MS, JDC, MPH


Investigating the Psychosocial and Supportive Care Needs of Adult Cancer Patients Through a Patient-Based Needs Assessment, Urvi A. Patel, MPHc; Amy Leader, DPH, MPH; and Alison Petok, MSW, LCSW, MPH


Perinatal Health Care Services for Imprisoned Pregnant Women: An updated Systematic Review, Kerona Sharpe, MPHc and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, MSc, CPH


Predictive Factors of Social Participation among Children with Spinal Cord Injuries: An Analysis of the Pediatric Measure of Participation Calibrated Item Bank, Lindsey Siska, MPHc and Mary Jane Mulcahey


Addressing Stigma by Increasing Awareness of Postpartum Depression, Niharika Vedherey, MPHc and Rosemary Frasso, PhD, MSc, CPH


Improving Hypertension Knowledge among Formerly Incarcerated Individuals: An Assessment of a Health Education Program during Community Reentry, Katie Weideman, MPHc, BA and John F. McAna, PhD


Primary Care Patient Experience in Pneumonia Patient and the Effects of Readmissions, Abosede Balogun, MBBS, MPHc; Albert Crawford, PhD, MBA, MSIS; and John Stoeckle, MD