Improvement in Diabetes Care through the Patient-Centered Medical Home
Foerderer Auditorium, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia PA
Start Date
10-21-2009 10:00 AM
End Date
10-21-2009 10:45 AM
Presentation Overview:
1. What is the Patient Centered Medical Home?
2. Patient Centered Medical Home: ACP, AAP, AAFM, AOA
3. Consumer “Principles for Patient- and Family- Centered Care”
4. New Services Being Offered by PCMH Practices
5. Staff (re-)training, work flow re-design, technology and provider (re-)training.
Note: PowerPoint slides are available bottom of page
PowerPoint slides: Improvement in Diabetes Care through the Patient Centered Medical Home
Improvement in Diabetes Care through the Patient-Centered Medical Home
Foerderer Auditorium, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia PA
Presentation Overview:
1. What is the Patient Centered Medical Home?
2. Patient Centered Medical Home: ACP, AAP, AAFM, AOA
3. Consumer “Principles for Patient- and Family- Centered Care”
4. New Services Being Offered by PCMH Practices
5. Staff (re-)training, work flow re-design, technology and provider (re-)training.
Note: PowerPoint slides are available bottom of page