Volume 9, Issue 1 (1991)
Multiple Personality and Channeling
Rayna L. Rogers, D.O.
Depression and Poverty I. Psychosocial and Cultural Determinants
Donald C. Ohuoha, M.D., M.P.H.
Depression and Poverty II. Strategies for Intervention
Donald C. Ohuoha, M.D., M.P.H.
A Survey of Selected Neurological Signs in Schizophrenia Research
Emanuel H. Rosen, M.D.
Transference Love and Countertransference Love in Clinical Technique
Ronald J. Koshes, M.D. and Colleen E. Sari, M.D.
Subsequent Pregnancy in Women with a History of Postpartum Psychosis
Richard G. Hersh, M.D.
Occupational Chemical Exposures and Psychiatric Disorders
Mark L. Dembert, M.D., M.P.H.
Conceptualization of Therapeutic Alliance During Psychiatric Residency Training
Stephen J. Cozza, M.D.
The Barking Man: A Case Study of Rootwork in Psychiatry
Harry D. Goldwasser, M.D.
Editor's Column
Edward Kim, M.D.
Book Reviews
Successful Private Practice in the 1990s
Susan Marcel, D.O.
Death, Freedom, Isolation and Uncertainty
Cordula Holzer, M.D.
Bringing Back the Mind
Edward Kim, M.D.
Letter to the Editor