Jefferson Journal of Psychiatry


The Jefferson Journal of Psychiatry is published by the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, PA. Its mission is the publication of clinical research and clinical writing by residents in psychiatry everywhere; a mission, so far as we are aware, that is unique among psychiatric journals.

Resident Status of Author

The work must have (preferably) a resident as its first author, or the resident author must have been a principal contributor, such as the author of the article's first draft. If the role of the resident is unclear from the author-list itself, please include a short note to the editor that specifies what that role was, in fact.

Electronic Submission

All submissions are electronic, directed via the submission function provided on this website, with text in Microsoft Word, and tables (which may be in Word) and figures in other software of Microsoft Office.


We prescribe no fixed limit on word-length for articles submitted, but they should be written with distinct consideration for economy of space. Look at one or more of our published articles for guidance in this respect. Authors are listed by name and degree only; do not give faculty appointments; for residents, state the year of their residency (PGY2, etc.) at the time the final draft of the submitted article was agreed on by the authors.

The font is "Times New Roman" throughout: 24 point (bold) for the article's title; 14 point (plain text), italic, for the authors' names and degrees; 18 point (bold) for headings (see below); 14 point (bold) for subheadings (use sparingly); 14 point (plain) for text (except put the Abstract-text in bold); 10 point (plain) for Source Information.

Headings are ABSTRACT, METHODS (do not use a heading for the introduction), RESULTS, DISCUSSION, SOURCE INFORMATION, and REFERENCES. Limit the Abstract to 300 words or less; do not fill it with generalities; include the most important results stated in quantitative terms. The Abstract may be subdivided by headings or not, according to the author’s preference. Source Information should include the sites at which the work was carried out and acknowledgements (including grant support) and address (email, please) by which a reader could contact an author for more information (see online version of The New England Journal of Medicine as a standard).

Give references in the text in parentheses (at the end of the clause or sentence to which they pertain) in numbers that correspond with the order of citation. The style of the citations of journals in the References section should be that (exactly) of the online version of the New England Journal of Medicine; be sure to use the official (Index Medicus, National Library of Medicine) abbreviation for each journal that is cited. Give book citations as in the following examples.

  1. When the whole book is the reference: Mahler M S (1968). On Human Symbiosis and the Vicissitudes of Individuation. New York: International Universities Press.
  2. When a specific passage in a book is the reference: Mahler M S (1968). On Human Symbiosis and the Vicissitudes of Individuation, pp 96. New York: International Universities Press.
  3. When a chapter is cited in an edited book: Johnson R A (1980). Heart failure resulting from coronary artery disease. In The Practice of Cardiology, ed. Johnson R A, Haber E, and Austen W G, pp 339-369. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. (Or give the exact page of the cited passage in place of the inclusive chapter pages, if that is the sense of the citation.)


Authors who publish in the Jefferson Journal of Psychiatry retain copyright over their articles. The Journal publishes them under a non-exclusive license, which you must agree to upon submission of an article.

Readers who seek to republish or to use portions of a work beyond the scope of fair use, must contact the author(s) directly. The next issue is due to be published on November 2010. Submission deadline for this issue is September 1, 2010.