Occupational exposure to metals, solvents, or pesticides can produce disorders of behavior, thought, or mood which can easily be misdiagnosed as 'Junctional." Accurate diagnosis obtained with a relevant clinical history, psychiatric interview, physical examination, and indicated laboratory tests will enable the delivery of necessary medical treatment and concurrently prevent repeat exposure to a hazardous work environment. Published references and organizational sources in occupational medicine and industrial hygiene can beutilized by psychiatrists for determination of the dijferential diagnosis and confirmation of an occupational exposure; in addition, these references can aid in assessing the need for an environmental health hazard survey at the worksite.
Recommended Citation
Dembert, M.D., M.P.H., Mark L.
"Occupational Chemical Exposures and Psychiatric Disorders,"
Jefferson Journal of Psychiatry: Vol. 9:
1, Article 9.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29046/JJP.009.1.007
Available at: