Start Date

4-16-2024 3:45 PM

End Date

4-16-2024 4:45 PM



Deletion of the ENT2 gene in Candida albicans causes the mutant strain to exhibit fluconazole resistance despite having susceptibility prior to this mutation. It was hypothesized that the gain of resistance was sourced by the disruption in endocytic functions, specifically the inability to properly recycle the drug efflux pump, Cdr1. To fully analyze this mutation's effects on the endocytic functions of C. albicans, the Cdr1 protein was tagged in a wild type strain with green fluorescent protein (GFP) and its localization was examined via fluorescence microscopy. To examine Cdr1 protein localization in the ent2 mutant strain, tagging of Cdr1 protein with GFP will be performed using homologous arm recombination via using a yeast integrating plasmid. We hypothesize that the Cdr1 protein accumulates on the cell surface of the ent2 mutant strain during antifungal resistant growth conditions enabling fluconazole resistance.


Apr 16th, 3:45 PM Apr 16th, 4:45 PM

Localization of the Multidrug Efflux Pump, Cdr1, in the Fluconazole-resistant ent2 Mutant Candida albicans Strain


Deletion of the ENT2 gene in Candida albicans causes the mutant strain to exhibit fluconazole resistance despite having susceptibility prior to this mutation. It was hypothesized that the gain of resistance was sourced by the disruption in endocytic functions, specifically the inability to properly recycle the drug efflux pump, Cdr1. To fully analyze this mutation's effects on the endocytic functions of C. albicans, the Cdr1 protein was tagged in a wild type strain with green fluorescent protein (GFP) and its localization was examined via fluorescence microscopy. To examine Cdr1 protein localization in the ent2 mutant strain, tagging of Cdr1 protein with GFP will be performed using homologous arm recombination via using a yeast integrating plasmid. We hypothesize that the Cdr1 protein accumulates on the cell surface of the ent2 mutant strain during antifungal resistant growth conditions enabling fluconazole resistance.