
Manuscripts from 2025


Author Correction: Best Practice Advice for Asthma Exacerbation Prevention and Management in Primary Care: An International Expert Consensus, Neil Skolnik, Barbara P. Yawn, Jaime Correia de Sousa, María Mar Martínez Vázquez, Amanda Barnard, Wendy L. Wright, Austin Ulrich, Tonya Winders, and Stephen Brunton

Manuscripts from 2024


Examining Menstrual Health Experiences in Philadelphia, PA: A Qualitative Investigation, Allison Casola, Oriana Pando, Lynette Medley, Brianna Kunes, Nya McGlone, and Olivia Rea


Family Physicians and Menstrual Care: An Analysis of CERA 2023, Allison Casola, Olivia Rea, and Tiffany Ho


Discussing Menstrual Health in Family Medicine, Allison Casola, Alice Renaud, and Ashwini Kamath Mulki


Social Media as Health Educator: An Assessment of the Understandability and Accuracy of TikTok Content About Contraception, Julianna Coleman, Maetal Haas-Kogan, Andrea Pelletier, Rachel Stoddard, Natasha Johnson, Julia Beatini, Nora Sun, Alex Keuroghlian, and Deborah Bartz


Understanding Faculty Perspectives on Health Equity Curriculum Implementation in Graduate Medical Education: A Qualitative Study, Krys Foster, Dhruvi Shah, Quinn Plunkett, and Randa Sifri


Health Outcomes Reported by Healthcare Providers and Clients of a Community-Based Medically Tailored Meal Program, Jessica M. Sautter, Jule Anne Henstenburg, Adrian Glass Crafford, Ian Rowe-Nicholls, Victor S. Diaz, Kaitlyn Ann Bartholomew, Julia S. Evans, Maria R. Johnson, Jeffrey Zhou, and Deeksha Ajeya


Best Practice Advice for Asthma Exacerbation Prevention and Management in Primary Care: An International Expert Consensus, Neil Skolnik, Barbara P. Yawn, Jaime Correia de Sousa, María Mar Martínez Vázquez, Amanda Barnard, Wendy L. Wright, Austin Ulrich, Tonya Winders, and Stephen Brunton

Manuscripts from 2023


Dance/Movement Therapy as a Holistic Approach to Diminish Health Discrepancies and Promote Wellness for People With Schizophrenia: A Review of the Literature, Jacelyn Biondo


Primary Care Provider Receptivity to Multi-Cancer Early Detection Test Use in Cancer Screening, Christopher Chambers, William Leach, Kaitlyn V Davis, and Ronald Myers


Bricks and Mortar of Well-Being: Exploring the Housing-Health Connection, Roshanak Mehdipanah and Lara Weinstein


Harm Reduction in Undergraduate and Graduate Medical Education: A Systematic Scoping Review, Kelsey R. Smith, Nina K. Shah, Abby L. Adamczyk, Lara C. Weinstein, and Erin L. Kelly


Designing for Community Engagement: User-Friendly Refugee Wellness Center Planning Process and Concept, a Health Design Case Study, Ellen Solomon, Brandon Joa, Shandon Coffman, Billie Faircloth, Marc Altshuler, and Bon Ku

Manuscripts from 2022


Factors Likely to Affect the Uptake of Genomic Approaches to Cancer Screening in Primary Care: A Scoping Review, Kaitlyn V Davis, Mie H Hallman, Melissa DiCarlo, Sophie M Wambua, Rachel L Jaffe, Allison W Welsh, Cameron Kerber, Hushan Yang, Christopher Chambers, and Ronald E. Myers


A Qualitative Exploration of the Functional, Social, and Emotional Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People Who Use Drugs, Erin L Kelly, Megan K Reed, Kathryn M Schoenauer, Kelsey Smith, Kristina Scalia-Jackson, Sequoia Kay Hill, Erica Li, and Lara Weinstein


Blood Lead Levels Among Afghan Children in the United States, 2014-2016, Clelia Pezzi, Gayathri S. Kumar, Deborah Lee, Nuny Cabanting, Breanna Kawasaki, Lori Kennedy, Jenny Aguirre, Melissa Titus, Rebecca Ford, Blain Mamo, Kailey Urban, Stephen Hughes, Colleen Payton, Marc Altshuler, Jessica Montour, and Emily S. Jentes


Lessons Learned as Thomas Jefferson University's Rural Physician Shortage Area Program (PSAP) Approaches the Half-Century Mark, Howard K. Rabinowitz, Robert J. Motley, Fred W. Markham Jr., and Gillian A. Love


Towards a Common Lexicon for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Work in Academic Medicine, José E Rodríguez, Edgar Figueroa, Kendall M Campbell, Judy C Washington, Octavia Amaechi, Tanya Anim, Kari-Claudia Allen, Krys Foster, Maia Hightower, Yury Parra, Maria H Wusu, William A Smith, Mary Ann Villarreal, and Linda H Pololi


A Response to: Letter to the Editor regarding "Importance of Early Screening and Diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes"., Neil Skolnik and Alyssa Style


The Association Between Food Insecurity and Physical Activity in Adults with Serious Mental Illness Living in Supportive Housing, Amy Taylor Cunningham, Lara Carson Weinstein, Ana Stefancic, Alexis Silverio, and Leopoldo J. Cabassa


The Hearst Health Prize: The First Five Years, Alexa M. Waters, Alexis Skoufalos, Emily Frelick, Gregory Dorn, and David B. Nash

Manuscripts from 2021


Prevalence of chronic disease in older adults in multitier eye-care facilities in South India: Electronic medical records-driven big data analytics report, Umesh Chandra Behera, Brooke Salzman, Anthony Vipin Das, Gumpili Sai Prashanthi, Parth Lalakia, Richard Derman, and Bharat Panigrahy


What we learned in the development of a third-year medical student curricular project., Maria Syl D. de la Cruz, Rashida S Smith, Alexis E Silverio, Allison R Casola, and Erin L Kelly


A qualitative analysis of third-year medical students' reflection essays regarding the impact of COVID-19 on their education., Erin L. Kelly, Allison R. Casola, Kelsey Smith, Samantha Kelly, and Maria Syl D. de la Cruz


Service Use by Medicaid Recipients With Serious Mental Illness During an RCT of the Bridge Peer Health Navigator Intervention, Erin L Kelly, Benjamin Hong, Lei Duan, Laura Pancake, Heather Cohen, and John S Brekke


An Approach to Faculty Development for Underrepresented Minorities in Medicine., Juan Robles, Tanya Anim, Maria Harsha Wusu, Krys E. Foster, Yury Parra, Octavia Amaechi, Kari-Claudia Allen, Jose E. Rodríguez, Kendall M. Campbell, Dmitry Tumin, and Judy Washington

Manuscripts from 2020


"I had no other choice but to catch it too": the roles of family history and experiences with diabetes in illness representations., Amy T Cunningham; Alexzandra Gentsch, LSW; Amanda M B Doty; Geoffrey Mills; Marianna LaNoue; Brendan G. Carr; Judd E Hollander; and Kristin L Rising


Health of Special Immigrant Visa holders from Iraq and Afghanistan after arrival into the United States using Domestic Medical Examination data, 2014-2016: A cross-sectional analysis., Gayathri S Kumar, Clelia Pezzi, Simone Wien, Blain Mamo, Kevin Scott, Colleen Payton, Kailey Urban, Stephen Hughes, Lori Kennedy, Nuny Cabanting, Jessica Montour, Melissa Titus, Jenny Aguirre, Breanna Kawasaki, Rebecca Ford, and Emily S Jentes


Health screenings administered during the domestic medical examination of refugees and other eligible immigrants in nine US states, 2014-2016: A cross-sectional analysis., Clelia Pezzi, Deborah Lee, Gayathri S. Kumar, Breanna Kawasaki, Lori Kennedy, Jenny Aguirre, Melissa Titus, Rebecca Ford, Blain Mamo, Kailey Urban, Stephen Hughes, Colleen Payton, Kevin Scott, Jessica Montour, and Emily S. Jentes


'It's common sense that an individual must eat': Advocating for food justice with people with psychiatric disabilities through photovoice., Lara Carson Weinstein, Mariana Chilton, Renee Turchi, Ann C Klassen, Marianna LaNoue, Alexis Silvero, and Leopoldo J Cabassa

Manuscripts from 2019


Eliciting patient-important outcomes through group brainstorming: when is saturation reached?, Marianna LaNoue, Alexzandra Gentsch, Amy Cunningham, Geoffrey Mills, Amanda M.B. Doty, Judd E. Hollander, Brendan G. Carr, Larry Loebell, Gail Weingarten, and Kristin L. Rising


Patient experience and challenges in group concept mapping for clinical research., Geoffrey D. Mills, Marianna LaNoue, Alexzandra T. Gentsch, Amanda M.B. Doty, Amy Cunningham, Garrison Nord, and Kristin L. Rising


Primary Care Providers' Attitudes and Practices Regarding Cancer Screening in Older Adults., Randa Sifri, Brooke Salzman, Amy Cunningham, Alexis Silverio, Madalene Zale, and Christine Talerico


Feasibility Pilot Outcomes of a Mammography Decision Support and Navigation Intervention for Women With Serious Mental Illness Living in Supportive Housing Settings., Lara Weinstein, Marianna LaNoue, Katelyn Hurley, Colleen Payton, Randa Sifri, and Ronald Myers

Manuscripts from 2018


The effect of diabetes self-management education on HbA1c and quality of life in African-Americans: a systematic review and meta-analysis., Amy T. Cunningham, Denine R. Crittendon, Neva White, Geoffrey D. Mills, Victor Diaz, and Marianna LaNoue


A learning community approach to identifying interventions in health systems to reduce colorectal cancer screening disparities., Lillian C. Man, Melissa DiCarlo, Emily Lambert, Randa Sifri, Martha Romney, Linda Fleisher, and Ronald Myers

Manuscripts from 2017


No Wonder No One Trusts Us., Neil Skolnik

Manuscripts from 2016


The Core of Care Management: The Role of Authentic Relationships in Caring for Patients with Frequent Hospitalizations., Charlotte Grinberg, Margaret Hawthorne, Marianna LaNoue, Jeffrey Brenner, and Dawn B Mautner

Manuscripts from 2015


Confirmatory factor analysis and invariance testing between Blacks and Whites of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control scale., Marianna LaNoue, Abby Harvey, Dawn B. Mautner, Bon Ku, and Kevin Scott

Manuscripts from 2014


An Update on Breast Cancer Screening and Prevention., Maria Syl D. de la Cruz, Mona Sarfaty, and Richard C Wender

Manuscripts from 2013


A primary care-public health partnership addressing homelessness, serious mental illness, and health disparities., Lara Carson Weinstein, MD, MPH; Marianna D. Lanoue, PhD.; James D. Plumb, MD, MPH; Hannah King, BS; Brianna Stein, MD; and Sam Tsemberis, PhD


Advancing maternal survival in the global context: are our strategies working?, Omar A Khan, Richard Derman, and Nancy L Sloan


Generating hypotheses about care needs of high utilizers: lessons from patient interviews., Dawn B Mautner, Hauchie Pang, Jeffrey C Brenner, Judy A Shea, Kennen S Gross, Rosemary Frasso, and Carolyn C Cannuscio


Education and referral criteria: impact on oncology referrals to palliative care., Barbara Reville, JoAnne Reifsnyder, Deborah B McGuire, Karen Kaiser, and Abbie Santana


Adding obesity to the problem list increases the rate of providers addressing obesity., Elaine Seaton Banerjee, Angela Gambler, and Corey Fogleman

Manuscripts from 2012


The Career Support Network (CSN): Workforce Programming through a New Lens, Rickie Brawer, MPH, PhD; James D. Plumb MD, MPH; and Stephen Kern, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA


SEPA-READS: Cardiovascular Health Literacy Coalition, Rickie Brawer, MPH, PhD; James D. Plumb MD, MPH; Rob Simmons DrPh,MPH,CHES; Martha Romney RN,MS,JD,MPH; Patricia Yurchick, RN, MBA, CPHQ; and Leslie Stearns


Management of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes: a patient-centered approach: position statement of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)., Silvio E Inzucchi, Richard M Bergenstal, John B Buse, Michaela Diamant, Ele Ferrannini, Michael Nauck, Anne L Peters, Apostolos Tsapas, Richard Wender, and David R. Matthews


Community-Based Partnerships for Improving Chronic Disease Management, James Plumb, Laura Carson Weinsten, Rickie Brawer, and Kevin Scott


The effects of a group visit program on outcomes of diabetes care in an urban family practice., Jeffrey A Reitz, Mona Sarfaty, James Diamond, and Brooke Salzman


Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Blood Pressure Plus Program at Thomas Jefferson University, Adam C. Winters

Manuscripts from 2011


Vaccine-preventable diseases and foreign-born populations, Marc Altshuler, MD and Giang Nguyen, MD


Obesity and Cancer Screening according to Race and Gender., Heather Bittner Fagan, Richard Wender, Ronald E Myers, and Nicholas Petrelli


Obesity and other predictors of absenteeism in Philadelphia school children., Elizabeth B Rappaport, Constantine Daskalakis, and Jocelyn Andrel

Manuscripts from 2010


Transforming Chronic Care Education: A Longitudal Interprofessional Mentorship Curriculum, Lauren G. Collins, MD; Christine A. Arenson, MD; Christine Jerpbak, MD; Elena Umland, PharmD; Stephen B. Kern, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA; and Leigh Ann Hewston, PT, MEd


Patient perceptions of physician empathy, satisfaction with physician, interpersonal trust, and compliance, Mohammadreza Hojat, Daniel Z. Lewis, Kaye Maxwell, Fred Markham, Richard Wender, and Joseph S. Gonnella


End-of-life care for hospitalized patients with lung cancer: utilization of a palliative care service., Barbara Reville, M.S., ACHPN; Marshal N Miller, B.S.; Richard W Toner, M.S.; and JoAnne Reifsnyder, Ph.D., ACHPN


Defining and measuring the patient-centered medical home., Kurt C Stange, Paul A Nutting, William L Miller, Carlos R Jaén, Benjamin F Crabtree, Susan A Flocke, and James M Gill

Manuscripts from 2009


Obesity and Cancer, Rickie Brawer, PhD, MPH; Nancy Brisbon, MD; and James Plumb, MD


Persistent Nodular Rash in an Elderly Patient, Daniel DeJoseph, MD; James Studdiford, MD; Amber Stonehouse, MD; and Beth Careyva, MD

Senator Kennedy's legacy to U.S. health and health care., Mona Sarfaty


The physician's response to climate change., Mona Sarfaty and Safiya Abouzaid

Manuscripts from 2008


Increasing appropriateness of hospital admissions in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy., Daniel Louis, Francesco Taroni, Rita Melotti, Carol Rabinowitz, Maria Vizioli, Monica Fiorini, and Joseph Gonnella


Angioedema after local trauma in a patient on angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor therapy, B. B. Simmons, Michelle A. Folsom, L.eslie A. Bryden, and James Studdiford


Intracerebral hemorrhage for the palliative care provider: what you need to know., B Brent Simmons and Susan M Parks


The management of keloids: hands-on versus hands-off., James Studdiford, Amber Stonehouse, Marc Altshuler, and Elliot Rinzler

Manuscripts from 2007


Allergic contact dermatitis from tea tree oil


Toward a biopsychosocial understanding of the patient-physician relationship: an emerging dialogue, Herbert M. Adler

A quadriplegic man with lower-extremity cellulitis and severe edema, Daniel DeJoseph, James Studdiford, and Dierdre Gallagher


Development of a reliable and construct valid measure of nutritional literacy in adults, James J. Diamond


Predoctoral directors: Who are they and what do they do in these trying times?, John Gazewood, Katherine Margo, Christine Jerpbak, Sandra Burge, Thea Ballinger, and Richard Usatine


Relationships between scores on the Jefferson Scale of physician empathy, patient perceptions of physician empathy, and humanistic approaches to patient care: a validity study., Karen M. Glaser, Fred W. Markham, Herbert M. Adler, Patrick R. McManus, and Mohammadreza Hojat


The interplay of obesity and asthma, James Plumb, Rickie Brawer, and Nancy Brisbon


Family medicine predoctoral education: 30-something, Howard K. Rabinowitz

Case report: Early Lyme disease: Solving the subtle clinical clues in an elderly patient, Brooke E. Salzman and James Studdiford


An update on the diagnosis and treatment of early Lyme Disease: "Focusing on the bull's eye, you may miss the mark", Amber Stonehouse, James S. Studdiford, and C. Amber Henry

Manuscripts from 2006


We must test the blood for antigens, Fred W. Markham Jr.


Photo quiz - pruritic rash after ocean swim, James Studdiford

Manuscripts from 2005


Bullous eruption on the posterior thigh, James Studdiford and Amber Stonehouse

Manuscripts from 2002


The Sociophysiology of Caring in the Doctor-patient Relationship, Herbert M. Adler

Manuscripts from 2001


Cigarette sources for teens by grade: Implications for prevention and intervention, Netra M. Thakur, Michael P. Rosenthal, Priscilla Latta, Jamie L. Robinson, and James Diamond


Beyond pain management: A primer for providing quality end-of-life care, Linda P. Tomko and Terri L. Maxwell

Manuscripts from 1997


The history of the present illness as treatment: who's listening, and why does it matter?, Herbert M. Adler, MD, PhD