A Jeffersonian Journey

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In Memoriam: Arthur Allen, PhD, Department of Biochemistry, Jefferson Medical College.

Presentation runs 49 minutes

Leonard M Rosenfeld

Distinguished Alumnus JCGS 2011 (Awards since 1983)

(1) Significant scientific contributions; (2) Fruitful scientific endeavors outside his or her institution; (3) Evidence of outstanding mentorship; (4) Service to the community as a scientist; (5) Contributions to forwarding the stature of Thomas Jefferson University;

Biography: Represents a well-rounded scientist who made use of a Jefferson Education to support the sciences at the community level, the University level and the international level. His wide-spread activities have certainly forwarded the stature of TJU.

Education: Simon Gratz High School, U PA-Zoology-BS, Temple U-Cellular Biology, TJU-Physiology-PhD.

Thesis topic: The effects of ionizing radiation on the gastrointestinal tract.

Employment: TJU-CGS-Physiology Department for 4 decades.

Scientific Research: gastrointestinal pathophysiology and medical education: resulting in more than three dozen publications.

Mentorship: Teaching: (4) decades teaching and coordinating courses in physiology to medical, graduate, nursing and physical therapy students. Director (15) years of summer program, introducing careers in medicine, science and nursing to HS students from the School District of Phila.

Service to the University: President of Jefferson's Sigma Xi; Chairman (8 years) of the Committee on Animal Resources and Facilities; (15 years) member college's Committee on Admissions, (ten years) as Secretary. (eight) years as Assistant Dean JCGS.

Of note: He cofounded, with Dr. Harry Smith (Micro) the JCGS Alumni Association in 1980 (100 years after founding of Medical School Alumni Association. Len was first Treasurer. I remember the first years of the Grad Student Association and the spaghetti and turkey dinners funded by the Alumni Association.

Service to the Community w/in Science: President (2) years of the PA Academy of Science and Chairman (5) years of the Academy's External Advisory Council (linking the corporate community and leaders in public policy to the PA scientific community). Co-editor (4) books for the Academy (Science Education, Global Climate Change, Medicine in the 21st Century and Science, Technology in National Security). (15) years on Franklin Institute of Phila Committee on Science and the Arts which since 1824 has conducted the Institute's Awards Program in Science. (America's Nobel Prizes), Chairman of the Committee (2) years. During his tenure, the international visibility of the Awards and international collaboration increased. Invited to be cofounder in South Africa of the African Regional Educational Network and member of its inaugural International Governing Council.

All of these forwarding the stature of TJU.

Service to the Community: Glaucoma Services Foundation at Wills Eye Institute Board of Trustees and currently serves as Chairman of the Foundation's Nominating Committee and member of Committee on Medical Education and Research.

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