Since 1983 the Jefferson Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (formerly the Jefferson College of Graduate Studies) has selected a Distinguished Alumni Awardee each year based on one or more of the following criteria: (1) significant contributions to science (basic and applied), including scientific education and healthcare management; (2) fruitful scientific endeavors outside his or her institution; (3) evidence of outstanding mentorship; (4) service to the community as a scientist; (5) contributions to forwarding the stature of Thomas Jefferson University; and/or (6) any other areas important to the selection process. The alumnus/alumna presents a lecture at the annual Alumni Networking Day.
Submissions from 2013
T cell responses to persisting and non-persisting infections, E. John Wherry, PhD
Manuscripts from 2012
A View from the Outside: Iron going to tell you a story HIF you'll listen and other horrible puns, Richard A. Brigandi, MD, PhD, FAAP
A Jeffersonian Journey, Leonard Rosenfeld, PhD