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Wednesday, September 29th
The Hub - Chemical Heritage Foundation, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia PA.
8:30 AM

Introductory Remarks and Review of the Issues

David B. Nash, MD, MBA (moderator), Jefferson School of Population Health

8:30 AM - 8:45 AM

8:45 AM

Keynote Address: Keeping the Focus on Patients

Lana Vukovljak, MA, MS, Chief Executive Officer American Association of Diabetes Educators

8:45 AM - 9:15 AM

9:15 AM

Re-Inventing Your Practice into a Patient-Centered Medical Home

Richard C. Wender, MD, Chairman, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University

9:15 AM - 9:45 AM

9:45 AM

Panel Discussion: Diabetes Care Coordination

Philip Benditt, MD, Medical Director, Healthcare Services, United Health Care
Christina Stasiuk, DO, Senior Medical Director, CIGNA
Robert E. Ratner, MD, FACE, Vice President, Scientific Affairs, MedStar Research Institute
Richard C. Wender, MD, Chairman, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University
Lana Vukovljak, MA, MS, Chief Executive Officer, American Association of Diabetes Educators

9:45 AM - 10:30 AM

10:45 AM

Establishing Treatment Standards through Comparative Effectiveness Research

Robert E. Ratner, MD, FACE, Vice President, Scientific Affairs, MedStar Research Institute

10:45 AM - 11:15 AM

11:15 AM

Medication Adherence, Cost and Access

Kimberly Jinnett, PhD, Research Director, Integrated Benefits Institute

11:15 AM - 11:45 AM

1:00 PM

Lessons Learned from a Copayment Elimination Program for Patients with Diabetes

Daniel Elliot, MD, MSCE, Co-Director of Ambulatory Medicine Research and Clinical Outcomes, Christiana Care Health Services

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

1:30 PM

Improving Health Outcomes and Empowering Consumers: The Power of Prevention

Ron Loeppke, MD, MPH, FACOEM, FACPM, Vice Chairman, U.S. Preventive Medicine, Inc.

1:30 PM - 2:00 PM

2:15 PM

Facilitated Breakout Groups

David N. Nash, MD, MBA, (Provider/Prescriber) Jefferson School of Population Health
Neil Goldfarb, (Purchaser/Payor) Jefferson School of Population Health
Kathryn Kash, MD, (Wellness/Prevention) Jefferson School of Population Health

2:15 PM - 3:15 PM

4:15 PM

Wrap-up and Adjournment

David Nash, MD, MBA, Thomas Jefferson University

4:15 PM - 4:30 PM