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Faculty Mentor: Teal Benevides


Objectives of Presentation: (1) Understand the impact of serious mental illness on independent living in the community. (2) Identify and describe three evidence-based interventions when working with individuals with a serious mental illness. (3) Demonstrate knowledge of evidence-based interventions for increased community participation through exploration of strategies that could be implemented at respective clinical sites.

Definitions: (1) ‘Serious mental illness (SMI)’ – Results in serious functional impairment, which substantially interferes with or limits one or more major life activities including, but not limited to obtaining stable housing, employment, education, and social inclusion. SMI includes the following diagnosis as part of the definition: Major depression , Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Borderline Personality Disorder. (2) ‘Community participation’ – Involvement in life situations, both public and private communities, in order to support personal health and wellness. The community domain includes family, friends, broad social systems, public resources and facilities, employment, education, spiritual, leisure, and commercial institutions. This concept includes the idea of disability being a function of both individual performance factors as well as the broader social and environmental contexts.

Research Question: PICO: What is the evidence that supports the use of interventions that are within the scope of occupational therapy (I) for individuals with a serious mental illness (P)in order to increase and/or improve their community participation (O)?

Presentation: 50 minutes

Serious Mental Illness_Handout.pdf (207 kB)

Serious Mental Illness_Call for Papers.pdf (142 kB)
