"1930 The Analysis" by Chester Edwin Blood



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WHEN this book is published it will consummate long hours of labor and many entreaties and pleadings to the school at large for material. The result was that we were not overpowered by material. However, with our composite fertile brain and desire to do a good job, we took the offerings, wrote more and now, lay down the evidence of our work.

Our aim in sending forth this book has been to so construct it that it may become the treasured possession of every graduate and student. How well this aim has materialized will be proved by the individual estimation of it.

However, if we have stirred the memory of our graduates, awakened the spirit in the student body and created the desire on the part of others to come to Textile, then we feel that we have accomplished our task.

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Art and Design | Fiber, Textile, and Weaving Arts

1930 The Analysis
