"Oculocardiac Reflex Elicited During Debridement of an Empty Orbit" by James C. Tsai, MD, James W. Heitz, MD et al.

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87 yo male with history of hypertension and right periorbital basal cell carcinoma s/p previous right total ethmoidectomy, right maxillary antrostomy, and complete right orbital exenteration for basal cell carcinoma invading the right ethmoid sinus. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery and orbital exploration was scheduled for excision of recurrent basal cell carcinoma. Rapid sequence induction and intubation was uneventful. During right orbital base curettage, the patient experienced several precipitious episodes of profound bradycardia or brief asystole. After surgery, the patient denied cardiac symptoms, and cardiac enzymes were all normal. Oculocardiac-mediated bradyarrhythmias are rarely elicited from empty orbits.

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