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Publication Date


Academic Year



Purpose: Triage tagging during a mass casualty event (MCE) is an essential skill when it comes to being able to distribute limited resources to those most critical out in the field. Medical students do not receive any formal training on this. This project set out to design a game that would effectively teach students how to use the Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment (START) algorithm in the event they ever find themselves assisting in an MCE.

Methods: This project was aimed towards MS-4’s during their EM rotation. Due to COVID-19, the game design was adjusted to an online platform for students to play. Students were given a pre- and post-game quiz containing triage cases and were asked to assign the appropriate tag color to each. Average scores were compared between pre- and post-quizzes with a t-test to assess for any significant differences between the two quizzes.

Results and Conclusions: Unfortunately, the study suffered from a low number of students to participate in playing the game. With the data that was collected, there was no statistically significant differences between scores before and after playing the game. Feedback was obtained during the session on ways to improve the game in the future, such as adding pictures to the cards. Though this study is inconclusive as to whether the triage game was effective in teaching START to students, students did state they found the game enjoyable. Increasing the number of participants for future testing with this game would most likely yield better results.


