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Academic Year



Introduction: Erectile dysfunction affects nearly 2/3rds of men age 50 or older worldwide and involves multiple hormonal, neurologic, psychological and environmental etiologies. Although contemporary research suggests that ED causes increased anxiety and depressive symptoms, there is relatively little information on how specific treatments impact mental health.

The purpose of this study is to answer the question: How do penile implants influence the psychosocial and emotional wellbeing of patients with ED compared to those without implants?

Methods: Our study uses a free-listing technique to interview via phone 50 patients with erectile dysfunction (25 with implant treatment, 25 without) regarding their emotional, social, and sexual health. Recorded responses will undergo cultural domain analysis using NVivo, a qualitative data analysis program, to determine how IPP treatment has impacted the psychosocial and emotional wellbeing of ED patients.

Results: We’ve collected data from 26 of 50 patients, while data collection from the non implant treatment group remains ongoing. Given that penile implants have been shown to significantly enhance sexual performance, we hypothesize that patients who underwent IPP treatment will show improved mental health.

Discussion: Due to the highly sensitive nature of erectile dysfunction, some patients declined to participate or stopped participating mid-survey. Understanding the psychosocial impact of IPP treatment will enable healthcare providers to address both the physical and emotional needs of ED patients worldwide. Investigating the psychosocial impact of other treatments such as injections or therapy may also improve quality of care.


