RPP #33: Blackboard Tips, eLearning 2.0 Conference, New Year Song

Document Type


Publication Date

January 2007


* Blackboard Tips

o Blackboard Bulletin by Chris Braster, Computer-Based Learning Developer/Webmaster for AISR Education Services, Thomas Jefferson University

o Note: "Pulse" is Jefferson's brand for Blackboard

o Blackboard Bulletins (from the JEFFLINE Forum)

+ The Pulse Course ID

+ Manage Your Course Listing

+ Assignment Item

+ Online Tests

* eLearning 2.0 Conference - Sponsored by WebCT & Blackboard User Groups

o Save the date: Thursday, March 29, 2007

o Hosted by Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA

o Stay tuned for more information

* 19th Slice of Life 2007 Workshop - for Health Science Multimedia Developers, Educators and Evaluators

o Save the date: June 26-30, 2007

o Hosted by University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City

o History: Computers in Healthcare Education Symposium (1992-2001; joined with Slice from 1998 to 2001)

* Podsafe Music Selection from the Podsafe Music Network

o The Alice Project - "I Hope This Year Is Better Than The Last"

o Alice Leon is a singer/songwriter with this New York based band that specializes in melodic, hooky pop/rock

RPP_33_Blackboard_Tips_eLearning_2_Conference_New_Year_Song.mp3 (8770 kB)
[Click link above to play this 12 minute podcast:]

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