RPP #26: Report from Educause & Podcasting with Blackboard

Document Type


Publication Date

October 2006


Topics covered in this 19 minute podcast:

* News From Educause 2006, Dallas Texas

o Ray Kurzweil, Founder, Chairman, and CEO, Kurzweil Technologies

o Photos from Educause via Flickr

o Google Bought YouTube

o Google Apps for Education

o Google Partnering with Blackboard


Building Block for Google Scholar: enables instructors to: construct queries for their students to execute in Google Scholar, and browse Google Scholar from within their course environment and contextually add content directly from Google Scholar into their course with a single click.

+ Building Block for Google OneBox : enables institutions who use Google Search appliances to add OneBox modules which search information within the Blackboard Academic suite and combine the results from Blackboard with the results from the appliance.

* Podcasting with Blackboard

o Interview: Hal Herzog, VP of Product Development, Learning Objects, Inc.

o More on the Podcast LX Building Block

* Podsafe Country Song

o Heartaches & Roses by Karmyn Tyler from the Podsafe Music Network

RPP_26_Report_from_Educause_and_Podcasting_with_Blackboard.mp3 (13548 kB)
[Click link above to play this 19 minute podcast:]

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