RPP #24 Blackboard Backpack, Elluminate & Apreso Classroom

Document Type


Publication Date

September 2006


Topics covered during this 26 minute podcast:

* Interview with Dr. Tony Frisby, Director of Education Services, Academic & Instructional Support & Resources, Thomas Jefferson University

o Blackboard Backpack (backpack.blackboard.com), a personal learning tool, allows students to download all of their course content to a laptop, tablet PC or desktop PC. It supports creating annotations and notes on course documents along with highlighting, searching and other helpful features.

o Elluminate (www.elluminate.com), a synchronous learning tool, offers Internet-based video conferencing, also called 'webcasting,' to extend the reach of live classroom teaching to students at remote locations.

o Apreso Classroom (www.apreso.com), an asynchronous learning tool, captures the classroom experience and makes it available to students for online review at a later time. It enable students to improve comprehension and retention, and professors to improve the effectiveness of class and office hours. Apresso also creates podcasts of lectures for students to sync with their iPods or other digital music player.

* "Not on the Radio" by Geoff Smith and the Tonewheels from the Podsafe Music Network (music.podshow.com).

RPP_24_Blackboard_Backpack_Elluminate_Apreso_Classroom.mp3 (18518 kB)
[Click link above to play this 26 minute podcast:]

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