RPP #20 Disruptive Technologies in Education II and More Podsafe Vivaldi

Document Type


Publication Date

July 2006


Topics covered during this 29 minute podcast:

* News from the Podosphere

o The Disney Fanatic

o McGraw-Hill Plans iPod/MP3 Formats

o Podcast Friendly KidPix

* Disruptive Technology in Education

o Rod's PowerPoint Presentation w/audio

o Dancing with the Devil: Information Technology and the New Competition in Higher Education by Richard N. Katz and Associates

o The Monster Under The Bed by Stan Davis

o The Innovator's Dilemma: The Revolutionary Book that Will Change the Way You Do Business by Clayton M. Christensen

* Podsafe Vivaldi

o Concerto No. 2 in G Minor (Summer) by the American Baroque Orchestra. The full CD entitled "The Four Seasons by Vivaldi" is available at magnatune.com

RPP_20_Disruptive_Technologies_in_Education_II_Vivaldi.mp3 (20996 kB)
[Click link above to play this 29 minute podcast:]

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