RPP #11 Podcasting Tech Tips: Blogger, RSS Feeds, and Skype

Document Type


Publication Date

April 2006


Topics covered during this 12 minute podcast: * Podcasting with Blogger * Using FeedBurner's SmartCast to convert Blogger's Atom feed to RSS 2.0 o How to Podcast with Blogger and SmartCast o Easier Podcasting with SmartCast * Using Feed Validator to check your RSS feed * Using Skype (VOIP) for a low cost phone number and voicemail Use my new phone number, 610-616-2199, to leave me feedback.

RPP_11_Podcasting_Tech_Tips_Blogger_RSS_Skype.mp3 (8059 kB)
[Click link above to play this 12 minute podcast]

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