Physics Residency Program


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About the Authors

Adam Dicker, MD, PhD

Michael Hardin, MS, MPR2

Amy S. Harrison, MS

Virginia Lockamy, PhD

Emily Kremmel, MMP, MPR2

James Keller, PhD

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The POD cast focused on the two-year accredited medical physics residency at Jefferson. This program is one of the oldest clinical physicist training programs in the country and one of the earliest hub and spoke programs with an spoke program in Christiana. The Jefferson medical physics residency currently trains six residents. The director and associate director of the program discussed the program and requirements. Two current senior residents, and one former resident who is now a faculty member talked about their journey into medical physics from undergraduate to current state including clinical experience and their educational process. Each physicist gives opinions on the complexity of the field and level of math skills necessary. Finally, all members discussed our current interesting projects occurring in the clinic.

Podcast: 30:03

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