"Conversion of Intermediate LIRADS Categories to Hepatocellular Carcino" by Kofi-Buaku Atsina, MD, Zhenteng Li, MD et al.


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Introduction and Objective

The Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (LIRADS) was created to standardize the reporting and data collection of MR imaging for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in high risk patients. The major categories for LIRADS have the following descriptors:

LI-RADS 1 = Definitely benign

LI-RADS 2 = Probably benign

LI-RADS 3 = Intermediate probability for HCC

LI-RADS 4 = Probably HCC

LI-RADS 5 = Definitely HCC

LI-RADS 5V = Definitely HCC with tumor in vein

LI-RADS M = Probable malignancy, not specific for HCC

LI-RADS T = Treated Observation

However, there is a paucity of quantitative evidence for the progression of LIRADS 2, 3 and 4, (hereafter defined as intermediate LIRADS categories) to LIRADS 5. Our objective was to investigate the conversion of intermediate LIRADS categories to definite hepatocellular carcinoma (LIRADS 5) to help inform management decisions regarding treatment and better stratify imaging follow up for high-risk patients with intermediate LIRADS categories.

Poster presented at: SCBT-MR in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Publication Date



Conversion of Intermediate LIRADS Categories to Hepatocellular Carcinoma in patients with Chronic Hepatitis B: Korean Immigrant Experience



Conversion of Intermediate LIRADS Categories to Hepatocellular Carcinoma  in patients with Chronic Hepatitis B: Korean Immigrant Experience

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