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1. Learn stepwise evaluation of a lung mass
2. Lung cancer staging
3. Preoperative evaluation
Overall Goals and Objectives:
Following this activity, a participant should be able to:
1. Recognize recent advances and developments in Pulmonary Medicine & Critical Care and translate into clinical practice
2. Integrate perspectives of multiple disciplines into decision-making on behalf of patients through structured plans for patient care.
3. Develop areas for future research and discuss appropriate methods to address these needs.
4. Summarize and continually improve communications as a team, caring for Pulmonary/Critical Care patients.
Presentation: 59 minutes
Recommended Citation
Kumar, MD, Rohit, "Lung Cancer – diagnostics and surgical evaluation" (2014). Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Presentations and Grand Rounds. Presentation 112.
Clinical Expertise:
Interventional Pulmonology: Advanced diagnostic bronchoscopy: Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) Therapeutic Laser bronchoscopy; Airway stenting Bronchial Thermoplasty for Asthma Pleural interventions: Indwelling catheters; Chest tubes; Thoracentesis
Advanced Lung Diseases: Sarcoidosis, Chemotherapy related lung diseases Bone Marrow Transplant related lung diseases, COPD/ Asthma, Tuberculosis
Honors and Awards
Best Case Report. ACCP., Pulmonary Talc Granulomatosis in HIV, 2012 Golden Stethoscope Award – Nominated by Drexel, University students for Best teacher, 2006 Annual ACP Medical Jeopardy Competition, Pennsylvania Chapter, 2005
Research Interests
Lung Cancer Screening: Implementing effective screening models Role of Bronchoscopy in Bone Marrow Transplant recipients