"Diabetes Prevention: Your Role as a Healthcare Professional (September" by Neha Sachdev, MD, Susanne Trexler, CHES et al.


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Presenation: 54:09


*American Medical Association*

Neha Sachdev, MD Director of Health Systems Relationships

Neha Sachdev is the Director of Health Systems Relationships in Improving Health Outcomes at the American Medical Association (AMA). In her role, Dr. Sachdev works with physicians, care teams and health care organizations to implement evidence-based strategies for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Prior to joining the AMA, she was a core faculty attending physician at the Virtua Health family medicine residency program. Dr. Sachdev completed her residency training in family medicine at McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University, earned her medical degree from Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University, and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Hispanic Studies and Health & Societies from the University of Pennsylvania.

*Health Promotion Council of Southeastern Pennsylvania*

Susanne Trexler, CHES, Program Manager, Training and Capacity Building

Susanne Trexler, CHES, is the Program Manager of the Training and Capacity Building Department of Health Promotion Council, an impact-oriented non-profit located in Philadelphia, PA. She is responsible for the oversight of multiple grants focused on state-wide chronic disease prevention and management, many of which necessitate the building of community-clinical linkages. Susanne has been dedicated to community education for over a decade, enjoying working with diverse populations and individuals of all ages.

Gina Trignani, MS, RD, LDN, Director, Training and Capacity Building

Gina Trignani, MS, RD, LDN is responsible for overseeing technical assistance to improve access to, utilization and sustainability of evidence-based chronic disease and diabetes self-management and prevention initiatives, both locally and statewide, through multi-sector partnerships between community-based organizations, funders, health systems, worksites and government agencies. This work includes gaining expertise in addressing barriers to expanding the delivery and sustainability of the National Diabetes Prevention Program in partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Health and National Association of Chronic Disease Directors. As a Pennsylvania licensed, registered dietitian-nutritionist with an advanced degree in Public Health Management and Administration, she contributes decades of experience and leadership across the healthcare industry in community and clinical settings.

Gina has developed her team to include a license to deliver Self-Management Resource Center (SMRC) programs and supports two Master Trainers for Chronic Disease, Chronic Pain, and Diabetes Self-Management Programs and two CDC National Diabetes Prevention Program Lifestyle Coaches and a certified Walk With Ease® instructor.

*HealthShare Exchange*

Bill Marella, MBA, Director of Data Analytics and Quality

Bill has 23 years of experience working in healthcare as a consultant to healthcare providers and government agencies in the areas of patient safety, risk management, quality, evidence-based medicine, and health information technology. Prior to joining HSX, Bill directed ECRI Institute PSO, one of the largest patient-safety organizations in the country, aggregating data from 1,800 provider organizations.

As a contractor to the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority (PSA), Bill launched PA-PSRS, a statewide safety surveillance and response program, for which PSA won the John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety Award from the National Quality Forum and Joint Commission.

*Thomas Jefferson University & Health System*

Mitchell Kaminski, MD, MBA Program Director, Jefferson College of Population Health Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Sidney Kimmel Medical College

Dr. Kaminski is a family physician who has combined clinical practice and teaching with a career in healthcare leadership that has included private groups, hospital systems, and academic institutions. Previously he served as Chief Clinical Officer at the Delaware Valley ACO, helping to develop the clinical strategy and teams in one of the country’s largest ACOs. He has continued to teach and care for patients part-time, most recently at the Jefferson Department of Family and Community Medicine. He embraces the complex challenges of our transforming national and regional healthcare systems and brings front-line perspectives to his leadership positions.

Alexis Skoufalos, EdD Associate Dean, Strategic Development, Program Director, DHSc in Population Health, Jefferson College of Population Health

As Associate Dean for Strategic Development, Dr. Skoufalos is responsible for facilitating strategic external partnerships and collaborative initiatives. She leads the team that implements the college’s professional development activities, including expert panel roundtables, specialized training programs, conferences and symposia. Dr. Skoufalos also oversees JCPH’s external communications, including the college’s affiliated peer-reviewed journals and newsletters, website, blog and social media.

At the university level, she serves as co-chair of the Steering Committee for Jefferson Continuing Professional Development, is a member on the enterprise Innovation Evaluation Committee, and serves on the Academic Advisory Committee for Jefferson’s Institute of Emerging Health Professions.

Dr. Skoufalos holds a doctorate in Education, with a specialization in Organizational Leadership, and a master’s degree in Management and Administration of Education Programs from Nova Southeastern University. Her undergraduate degree, from Temple University, is in Education and Communications.

Neva White, DNP, CRNP-BC, CDE Senior Health Educator, Center for Urban Health, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

Neva White is a nurse practitioner and certified diabetes educator. She is the Senior Health Educator at the Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Center for Urban Health, coordinator for the diabetes self-management education program and the diabetes prevention program. She is the diabetes educator for the Department of Family and Community Medicine shared medical visit; DISH (Diabetes Information and Support for your Health) program. Dr. White is the coordinator of the Jeff PEERS chronic disease self-management support group. She is also board president for Sugga Mamas Diabetes Prevention and Management.


The Philadelphia Diabetes Prevention Collaborative invites you to learn about the latest in screening, testing and how to easily refer your patients to a National Diabetes Prevention (DPP) lifestyle change program within the greater Philadelphia five-county area.


