Start Date

5-3-2024 9:10 AM

End Date

5-3-2024 11:00 AM



Problem Statement:

Hemoglobin A1c is the standard of care for monitoring the metabolic control of patients with Type 1 Diabetes.1 Patients should have HbA1c checked every 3 months.

Higher HbA1cs are linked to higher morbidity and mortality in patients with diabetes.2

Project AIM:

Develop, implement, and evaluate different methods to engage patients with an


hemoglobin A1c, pediatric type 1 diabetes, quality improvement


Health Equity Honorable Mention Award

Presented at the 2024 Jefferson Health Equity and Quality Improvement (HEQI) Summit.


May 3rd, 9:10 AM May 3rd, 11:00 AM

Finding Ways to Decrease the Number of Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Patients with a HbA1c over 8.5%


Problem Statement:

Hemoglobin A1c is the standard of care for monitoring the metabolic control of patients with Type 1 Diabetes.1 Patients should have HbA1c checked every 3 months.

Higher HbA1cs are linked to higher morbidity and mortality in patients with diabetes.2

Project AIM:

Develop, implement, and evaluate different methods to engage patients with an