Jefferson Digital Commons - Health Equity and Quality Improvement (HEQI) Summit: Evaluating the Efficacy of a Nursing-Driven versus Provider-Driven Heparin Protocol

Start Date

5-27-2021 9:00 AM

End Date

5-27-2021 5:00 PM


At Thomas Jefferson University Hospital patients who require heparin infusions are monitored either by nursing alone or the resident and the nurse together.

This project aims to determine:

  1. Which protocol more efficiently shortens the time to therapeutic?
  2. Are patients therapeutic longer under a certain protocol?
  3. Do more patients under either protocol suffer from bleeding complications?


Heparin, Reduced Hand off, Communication, Nursing-driven protocol


Presented at the 2021 House Staff Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Conference


May 27th, 9:00 AM May 27th, 5:00 PM

Evaluating the Efficacy of a Nursing-Driven versus Provider-Driven Heparin Protocol

At Thomas Jefferson University Hospital patients who require heparin infusions are monitored either by nursing alone or the resident and the nurse together.

This project aims to determine:

  1. Which protocol more efficiently shortens the time to therapeutic?
  2. Are patients therapeutic longer under a certain protocol?
  3. Do more patients under either protocol suffer from bleeding complications?