Start Date
5-28-2020 9:00 AM
End Date
5-28-2020 5:00 PM
As increasing numbers of Covid-19 patients were admitted to the hospital and progressed thru their disease course, the Division of Hospital Medicine noted an increased need for enteral feeding access for their patients. At the same time, the Nutritional Support Clinical Nurse Specialists were seeing an increase in requests for assistance with use of Cortrak technology for insertion of Dobhoff tube (DHT) insertion for high risk patients diagnosed with Covid-19.
Dobhoff tube Insertion, COVID-19, training, SARS-CoV-2, coronavirus
Training new Providers Dobhoff Tube Insertion during COVID-19: Rapid training and a novel “opt in” approach to learning
As increasing numbers of Covid-19 patients were admitted to the hospital and progressed thru their disease course, the Division of Hospital Medicine noted an increased need for enteral feeding access for their patients. At the same time, the Nutritional Support Clinical Nurse Specialists were seeing an increase in requests for assistance with use of Cortrak technology for insertion of Dobhoff tube (DHT) insertion for high risk patients diagnosed with Covid-19.
Presented at the 2020 House Staff Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Conference