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The presence of axonal spheroids is unusual in the absence of a clinical history of CNS injury. Nevertheless, increased numbers of axonal spheroids in the lower brainstem have been consistently observed in autopsied diabetic patients. A prospective comprehensive investigation of the density, size, and distribution of axonal spheroids in the brainstem and spinal cord was undertaken in 22 patients and correlated with comorbidities, age, and gender. In most cases, an increased density of axonal spheroids was identified within the nucleus gracilis of the lower brainstem. Moreover, the highest densities (p = 0.013) and circumferences (p = 0.002) of axonal spheroids were present in the lower brainstem of diabetics when compared to non-diabetics. Whereas the pathology of peripheral neuropathy in diabetics is well described, this study is the first demonstration of specific CNS pathology in diabetic patients.

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Increased Density of Axonal Spheroids in the Nucleus Gracilis of the Lower Brainstem in Diabetic Versus Non-Diabetic Patients


Medical Anatomy | Medical Cell Biology | Medical Pathology

Increased Density of Axonal Spheroids in the Nucleus Gracilis of the Lower Brainstem in Diabetic Versus Non-Diabetic Patients
